Recent content by Chipotle
  1. Chipotle

    Grado SR325e with Dragonfly?

    Thanks. I did actually go ahead and get the SR225s, listened to them for a bit, and then got a Vali amp, which I'm already mildly in love with. I am, possibly sadly, strongly considering getting some Beyerdynamic DT-880s, though. (At which point I should then strongly consider selling a pair or...
  2. Chipotle

    Grado SR325e with Dragonfly?

    Do you have any recommendations? I've been thinking about the SR325e mostly because I really like the SR80 sound -- although I know the 325 series seems to be considered The Weird One among the Grado lineup. I'm pretty sure I'd like to go with an open set rather than closed. The other ones I've...
  3. Chipotle

    Grado SR325e with Dragonfly?

    (A bit of a bump, as I posted this really late last night, and managed to misspell "SR325" in the title. Because late.)
  4. Chipotle

    Grado SR325e with Dragonfly?

    Hi there. Long-term lurker. I have a few headphones -- Grado SR80s (no "i"), Sennheiser Momentums (the original over-the-ear version), Shure SRH 440s -- and have been considering a new set in the $300 range. When I listen to headphones it's nearly always from my Macbook Pro, using either iTunes...
  5. Chipotle

    Compact amp for K701 around $400 (and general thoughts)

    Quote: Originally Posted by JMCIII You have seriously been mis-informed. For the build quality and parts quality they are anything BUT high priced. And good deosn't even begin to describe the sound, which is to my ears and phones neutral with just a hint of leanness (but only a hint -...
  6. Chipotle

    Compact amp for K701 around $400 (and general thoughts)

    Quote: Originally Posted by LostOne.TR think the Presonus's headamp is quite good, however from my opinion, there is a lack of synergy with the k701. I admit that I hadn't looked up any info on the PreSonus Central Station until after that last post, and... well, unless I'm...
  7. Chipotle

    Compact amp for K701 around $400 (and general thoughts)

    Quote: Originally Posted by Uncle Erik The Gilmore Lite is good with the K-701, so is the Eddie Current EC SS. I don't know if you'd be interested in DIY or commissioning an amp, but the M^3 and three channel Beta22 might work for you. Another option that might work is the Presonus...
  8. Chipotle

    Compact amp for K701 around $400 (and general thoughts)

    I'm a little dubious of tube amps (mostly due to fear of fragility, mind you), but I'll definitely keep that in mind. Thanks. I've skimmed ideas for DACs but haven't gotten that far yet. The K701s did show up today, though, so I've tested them briefly driven by the MacBook Pro directly...
  9. Chipotle

    Compact amp for K701 around $400 (and general thoughts)

    I've been flirting a bit with headphones--I've owned a pair of Grado SR-80s for a year or so, along with a prebuilt CMoy amp bought on something of a lark. I'm tentatively stepping forward, having bought a pair of AKG K701s from MrLA this week. (FedEx tells me it's waiting at the apartment...
  10. Chipotle

    Thoughts on portable amp with SR80?

    I'm relatively new to headphones in general, although not entirely so; I've had a pair of Shure E2s for a while and more recently V-Mode Vibes (bought so they had a microphone for the iPhone). Last year I decided I wanted to have "real" headphones without breaking the bank, and settled on Grado...