Recent content by chinmang
  1. C

    The Continuation Of The Sony Walkman 1Z/1A Thread!

    I installed that mr walkman thing a while ago. could that be causing this? Powering it off is impossible because it automatically boots back up and starts creating database again.
  2. C

    The Continuation Of The Sony Walkman 1Z/1A Thread!

    Guys I have zero music on my wm1a and it's taking forever creating database what's happening
  3. C

    The Continuation Of The Sony Walkman 1Z/1A Thread!

    Just tested the battery life of my secondhand 1A. I thought it would worsen a little after all these years, but with Bluetooth off, nfc off, normal gain, balanced, 80/120 volume, screen off, and all songs shuffled I got 33 hours. Awesome. Now if it wasn't for that little bubble growing on the...
  4. C

    The Continuation Of The Sony Walkman 1Z/1A Thread!

    How much weight would be appropriate? I've noticed that the bubble on mine is getting bigger. It's odd the first owner said he used it for 3 years, but the bubble started getting noticeable since I received it. Maybe something happened during shipping.
  5. C

    The Continuation Of The Sony Walkman 1Z/1A Thread!

    Say I use it 2 hours a day. For better battery life, is it better to shut it down between uses or just turn the screen off. Is that sleep timer function under playback settings a battery saving function?
  6. C

    The Continuation Of The Sony Walkman 1Z/1A Thread!

    Thanks for the advice. I may try it if it happens to get bad. Luckily it's not noticeable at all when the screen is on for now at least.
  7. C

    The Continuation Of The Sony Walkman 1Z/1A Thread!

    I see. If I baby it do you think I can prevent it from expanding? I read that it's ideal to keep it away from sunlight and warm places. I tried pressing on it and it didn't budge at all.
  8. C

    The Continuation Of The Sony Walkman 1Z/1A Thread!

    Appears to be an air bubble. Any way to get rid of it? It's not underneath the screen protector, it's on the lcd.
  9. C

    The Continuation Of The Sony Walkman 1Z/1A Thread!

    I have no reason to lie about this. In the MUSIC folder 2311 albums prior to creating database, 1925 after. They were gone, deleted. Could've a problem related to reformatting like I mentioned in my last post. You can't make that statement "first person in 7 years" if you can't account for...
  10. C

    The Continuation Of The Sony Walkman 1Z/1A Thread!

    It's a mk1. I suspect the problem was that the sd card had to be reformatted after the initial insertion. It's the only reason I could think of that could cause a chunk of my albums to be deleted. After it was reformatted, I just transferred my backup from my pc onto the sd card again and...
  11. C

    The Continuation Of The Sony Walkman 1Z/1A Thread!

    Alright, crisis averted. Everything's good now. Once I test the battery life and if that's good, the R5II is going back cuz this 1A is clean.
  12. C

    The Continuation Of The Sony Walkman 1Z/1A Thread!

    It was in the root directory. When you open my drive, there's an android folder, dcim folder, and a MUSIC folder. All separate. The MUSIC folder was not inside of any other folder. In fact, I deleted all other folders besides the MUSIC folder before I inserted it. After it created the database...
  13. C

    The Continuation Of The Sony Walkman 1Z/1A Thread!

    Untrue. All of my music is in a folder called MUSIC.
  14. C

    The Continuation Of The Sony Walkman 1Z/1A Thread!

    I've just deleted all 1925 albums that were on the sd card that's currently in the 1A. Now I'm transferring all 2311 from my backup onto the sd card again.
  15. C

    The Continuation Of The Sony Walkman 1Z/1A Thread!

    I previously used the card on a android based Hiby R5 Gen 2 DAP. All my music was in a folder named MUSIC. Not sure about the ID3 tags. I used mp3 tag on most all of them to make sure all the meta date was correct (artist, album name, year, genre, album cover, album artists, track #, disc #) but...