Recent content by chimxchim
  1. chimxchim

    The Grado HF-2 Review/Comparison Thread

    After reading all the analysis and reviews, I'm going to take the dive and level up from my MS1's into a pair of HF-2's. Thanks all for taking for the time to write all of this up.
  2. chimxchim

    Alessandro Music Series MS1 FAN CLUB!

    I neglected to join the thread when I got my MS1's last summer, these phones are a big step up from my sony in ear buds =)
  3. chimxchim

    MS-2 arrived today!

    hot pic, and it makes me want to go up to the MS2's now from my MS1's =( How's the bass relative to the MS1?
  4. chimxchim

    MS1 with comfies or bowls??

    I switched to bowls the week after I got my MS1's and I never looked back. Comfy's are more comfortable, but bowls deliver a tighter sound overall. I can't stand the yellow 414 pads either (I walk outside with my ms1's, if you don't then perhaps it's not something for you to take into...