Recent content by chc5
  1. chc5

    speakers help

    just got back from the doctor. he checked my ears, did a hearing test & told me i still got near to perfect hearing, and i have nothing to worry about. i told him all the symptoms i experienced and he said its fine, and i was probably too enthousiastic & listened too long/loud. he also said...
  2. chc5

    speakers help

    ok so i did the test you suggested. did it with this one = did it with an 'online generator' too.   it went up an down a bit until +-4000, but after that it dropped and stayed the same more or less. nothing seems to get louder than 1000hz... (i...
  3. chc5

    speakers help

    ive got a smarthpone but the noise isnt really noticeable with music, only becomes problematic when playing games. if you sit far enough youll probably/maybe get used to it..? the problem is most likely 'electronical noise' coming from like you said anywhere, and i guess it cant really be...
  4. chc5

    speakers help

    @ProtegeManiac   ive got an appointment this friday, hopefully nothing too bad!   the return period is not that time critical, but im already a bit 'afraid' to just use them you know? if ive got this within a week of (normal?) use i can only imagine what a couple years might do..   by...
  5. chc5

    speakers help

    probably yes   i personally feel i may sit too close to them, and/or my ears cant handle it or something, well see..   but besides that ive also got a light noise coming from the speakers (gets worse when playing games) tried a lot of 'google-based' solutions to reduce the noise, but still...
  6. chc5

    speakers help

    yes i was planning to do that.   but what about the cause? could it be just volume or is it more likely im (too) sensitive for a certain 'thing' the speakers put out? or am i just too close at +-90cm? if its not the positioning then they are probably not good for me right? like i said i...
  7. chc5

    speakers help

    hi guys,   recently i bought the jbl lsr305 as a replacement for my old speakers. great sound, no question about it.   but heres the problem: after just listening to music for a couple of hours, at a very normal volume, certainly nothing too crazy, i have been getting weird 'sensations'...
  8. chc5

    pc speakers upgrade

    little update..   started up some games, but i also get noise/buzzing. this time a lot more noticable compared to music listening.. (volume levels are at 4 1/2. trim switches at 0)   any suggestions i can try to reduce the noise? (cost free ;) )   ty
  9. chc5

    pc speakers upgrade

    yep :) so stupid..
  10. chc5

    pc speakers upgrade

    ok so i got the 305s today and i wanted to share some thoughts/impressions :)   i was a bit impressed with their size! (no manual, just a paper, dont know thats normall?) tried setting them up as best as i could, my desk may be a bit too small about an arms length and a half from...
  11. chc5

    pc speakers upgrade

    just ordered them, should be here next week. im excited! ordered some foam pads too, they were only 20€ so what the hell..   only thing i need to know now is how to properly control the volume? set the volume to (60-70?)on each speaker and then control the 'master' volume through...
  12. chc5

    pc speakers upgrade

    Ok thanks for the clarification. One more thing, how do you know a device-in my case the computer- is unbalanced or balanced?
  13. chc5

    pc speakers upgrade

    quick little question!   i saw you mentioned to connect them to my pc with TS cables, but isnt that supposed to be TRS ? (i read the jbls take TRS or XLR) just to make sure i pick the right cables!   or should i just get the XLR cables?   thanks again!
  14. chc5

    pc speakers upgrade

    ive got a bunch of vhs tapes or something so that will do for now i guess. i can always buy stands later.   one more thing i wanted to ask you, about the quality of music files. what minimum quality is recommended for mp3s? im guessing 320? i do have some flac files, but mostly mp3s going...
  15. chc5

    pc speakers upgrade

    yeah im gonna try to make it look a bit more 'elegant' :) is that a can of salmon? does it matter with what kind of material you raise them?   im a bit confused about the isolation pads, are they used just for isolation or for raising/angling too? (can i get the same 'results' with the pads...