Recent content by cdaman
  1. cdaman

    Curious - Woo Audio 2

    I have a Woo Audio 2 and I love the sound of it. The only drawback is it uses some tubes (6Z4) that are very hard to find - damn near impossible in North America. I digress. How does this amp compare to other amps in the 1000 to 2500 range? Would I notice a big difference if I upgraded? Your...
  2. cdaman

    Please help - Looking for high-end portable amp.

    I decided on the SM3. Thank you everybody for your help. I really do appreciate it. There are so many good amps to choose from. Dwight Stirrett
  3. cdaman

    Please help - Looking for high-end portable amp.

    I like all types of music, hard rock, pop, jazz, classical but my favorite (by far) is gospel music. As gar as portibility goes - I want to listen to it on planes (occassionally) but would usually carry it arounf with me for daily listening. At night I would like to plug it into AC. Will...
  4. cdaman

    Please help - Looking for high-end portable amp.

    I am looking for a high-end portable amp. Long battery life would be good but not mandatory. I have looked at the RS - SR-71 and the XP-7, AE-1, Porta Carda Prehead and the headroom Mcro Amp with the desktop module. I am a neophyte and would really appreciate your help. I have about 1200. to...
  5. cdaman

    Plz recommend tube amp for noob.

    I currently have a woo audio 2 and I just love it. The sound is spectacular! One cautionary note, if the Woo audio use 6Z4 tubes they are really hard to find.