Recent content by cbbw
  1. cbbw

    Audioengine A5 downgrade to A2?

    Wow, you have a tight space there. A square is the worst shape for a listening room, and a small one is even tougher. I have to guess you have a large standing wave that is giving you fits. My have to throw in the towel and go with phones. Also looks like a shelf right above the speakers that...
  2. cbbw

    Any experiences with the HRT Music Streamer?

    Anyone have any listening impressions to share?
  3. cbbw

    Audioengine A5, A2?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Hatmann Try Audioengine's stands for their A2s -- they really work. I started by using door stops, Audioengine wants $30 for fancy ones, and they really did help. Maybe these on top of a true stand would create the correct angle. I think the...
  4. cbbw

    Audioengine A5, A2?

    Quote: Originally Posted by ElephantTLK They will not be angled anymore and i really dont know what would be right height. Anyway i was thinking to create stands that would look like this: 1 2 3 What do you think? I think you are on the right track. A 4x4...
  5. cbbw

    Help with correct signal path, please

    "What should my signal path be?" As simple as possible if quality is your goal. "in parallel CDP>viaSPDIF coax > to DACMagic" Not sure what the statement 'in parallel' means here. As El_Doug said, simplify the system to only the essentials, then listen. No extra splitters, amps or sound...
  6. cbbw

    DAC and speakers for my needs!!

    You say you do not want to buy another active speaker but you are considering the M-Audio AV 40's? What is the quality of the music files? A2's sound pretty good straight out of a sound card, maybe start here and see what you think or the M-Audio's. May want to add the Musicstreamer to...
  7. cbbw

    DACMagic question

    Quote: Originally Posted by davidc2 I thought USB gave less satisfactory sound quality than a proper digital Spdif coax or Toslink connection. Try USB and listen for your self. Trust your ears.
  8. cbbw

    Good $300 DAC that compliments K701/X-CanV8P?

    Hard to find a lot on it but the Musicstreamer+ looks like a contender.
  9. cbbw

    should i switch from my dvd transport to pc?

    How can it sound better? Bits are bits. Cables all sound the same. I glad you tried something and you heard a difference.
  10. cbbw

    Cheap Low Jitter Source

    I think USB would make the most sense as it is so prevalent. Not trying to avoid USB, trying to eliminate the USB wire. Less there to create issues. No computer, no USB cable and no spinning disc. This was brought up to see if such a product exists or to create a discussion as to an ideal...
  11. cbbw

    Cheap Low Jitter Source

    I have read conflicting info on the Wadia as to whether it bypasses the internal DAC and the analogue sections. Seems like this unit should be a DAC itself though. The iRiver units seem interesting but has more features than needed and has an actual HDD instead of using flash storage. I think...
  12. cbbw

    Cheap Low Jitter Source

    Just trying to think of ways to get a quality flow of 1's and 0's to a DAC. As the computer seems to be the storage for music, how do we cleanly get the digital signal to a DAC. The computer to USB to DAC seems to be convenient but flawed. Why are there no reasonably priced iPod type devices...
  13. cbbw

    Audioengine/dac question.

    Quote: Originally Posted by jamiefhr AFAIK the A2 are an active set of speakers that doesn't need an amp so does it mean that the DAC doesn't have to be powered as well? I'm just a noob at this. Really learning as I go along. How the DAC is powered does not effect if or how...
  14. cbbw

    Any experiences with the HRT Music Streamer?

    Anything more on these 2 units?