Recent content by Bunbonboo
  1. Bunbonboo

    The NEW ATH-ES700..

    I got mine in about a week (paid an arm and a leg for EMS shipping). I have an aesthetics question. Does any of your es700's headbands pucker up at the top when you put it on? When I have them on, my head looks like I have multiple welts! Anyway, just wondering if I got a poorly made one, it's...
  2. Bunbonboo

    The Most Annoying and Difficult game you've played.

      Quote: Mine would be Lost Planet 2!  It was fun at first (probably because the first couple of levels were easy to teach the player the controls and mechanics of the game) and then it became annoying...and when my sis and I started swearing at each other for dying, we decided to stop...
  3. Bunbonboo

    Authenticate Ath-Esw9 lots of pics

    I'm sorry that it turned out to be fake!  But thanks for posting the extra pics so that other people who suspect theirs to be fake can compare theirs.
  4. Bunbonboo

    Authenticate Ath-Esw9 lots of pics

    I don't own one, but did you take a look at this thread:   There's a ton of info there.
  5. Bunbonboo

    Beats by Dr. Dre Tour Mini Review (Subjective)

    Thanks for the review!  There will always be people who will have an interest in these and this will help them with their decisions.
  6. Bunbonboo

    James444's IEM giveaway thread (competition has ended - see post #344 and #354 for winners!)

    Aren’t you going to miss them?  It’s a strong line up of good IEMs. Anyway, thanks so much for doing this!
  7. Bunbonboo

    Protecting ES7's

    If you've deicded to cut out a screen protector yourself, perhaps you could find an item (like a tin can of some sort) that's the same size as the mirror and use an exacto knife to cut around the item.   What I did was just place the protector over the mirror part, draw a circle with a pen...
  8. Bunbonboo

    Official ATH-ES7 Thread

    How about an opinion from someone who loves music but couldn’t use any audiophile lingo to save her life?   For starters, I listen mostly to rock, alternative, and jpop and use an ipod nano with no amp.   If you really enjoy listening to vocals and song lyrics, this is a good headphone...
  9. Bunbonboo

    Suggestions to remove smoke odor from headphones?

    Uncle Erik, I'm one of those annoying girls that'll start nagging at people to quit smoking, so I won't be taking up smoking any time soon! :)   Thanks everyone for your suggestions!  I'll try some of these out...maybe except for the ozone chamber because I don't think I have the connections...
  10. Bunbonboo

    Suggestions to remove smoke odor from headphones?

    I've recently purchased a pair of used headphones (ATH-ESW10JPN) and it didn’t dawn on me to ask whether the headphones were from a smoke-free home before making the purchase.  I don’t smoke and can’t stand the smell of cigarettes / cigars. When they came in, they reeked of it! I don’t want to...
  11. Bunbonboo

    (Update) Newbie needs help: purchased fake Audio Technica ATH-ES7 on Ebay

    I'm glad everything turned out for you!   Hong Kong versions huh...the seller didn't lie with that aspect!
  12. Bunbonboo

    (Update) Newbie needs help: purchased fake Audio Technica ATH-ES7 on Ebay

    I'm sorry about your fakes but I agree with meltie regarding getting a real pair.  I've only recently bought the white pair of ATH-ES7s and I'm still burning them in (only about 48 hours total), but they already sound so good!!