Recent content by budfox4life
  1. budfox4life

    Bravo Audio - funny looking little tube amps

    Quote: Originally Posted by CPL593H get an rf shield for the tube - they are available. They came with my bottlehead preamp that uses the same tube sorry for the noob question but where might I find a rf shield? Any specific retailer I should look out for/avoid? Thanks for the...
  2. budfox4life

    Bravo Audio - funny looking little tube amps

    Sent an email to Henry (ebay seller) regarding the blips I was hearing. He got back to me this afternoon and it turned out to be electromagnetic interference from the wireless router I have on the desk... Turns out the either my router is very strong or this amp is very, very sensitive as the...
  3. budfox4life

    Bravo Audio - funny looking little tube amps

    got mine today after placing the order based on this thread.... seems I am suffering from the same "hiss" problem as LeTiger. I can also hear an almost constant "blip-blip,blip" reminiscent of a record that has gone past its last song. being that this is my first tube amp, I am curious to...
  4. budfox4life

    Is there fake 10 pro?

    Just got a pair of TF 10 vi's from an ebay seller with a lot of positive feedback (790+) and I was nervous, as you were, about getting a product that has received such amazing reviews for such a relatively ($160) low amount. It didn't help my nerves that the auction was supposed to just be...
  5. budfox4life

    UE Triple.Fi 10vi difference?

    Thanks for the quick responses! Now I know I am fine to use these 10vi's that I was sent and shouldn't send them back for the normal v10s! I will definitely comment on my impressions vs the reo in the v10 appreciation thread.
  6. budfox4life

    UE Triple.Fi 10vi difference?

    Hello guys, I am a long time lurker, first time poster.... Benefitted from all of the great knowledge and opinions on this forum for a while so decided I should finally try to join the discussion. Have been listening to my Head-Driect RE0's for a while (after reading all of the great...