Recent content by boochoo
  1. boochoo

    Best Headphones Recommendations (Currently interested in Beyerdynamics dt660)

    So I've done some research and I've decided on getting the JDS Lab C5Ds.   Now the last decision I'm struggling with is do I go for the Hifiman HE400 or do you think the Sennheiser HD600/650s are worth the extra money with what the JDS Lab C5Ds can do?   Thanks again everyone for all your help!
  2. boochoo

    Best Headphones Recommendations (Currently interested in Beyerdynamics dt660)

      Hi Kupuna,   Thanks a bunch for the thorough recommendation! I really appreciate it. Would you say the C5D is the best bang for buck DAC/AMP I can get? Also would spending a little more on $300 headphones make a major difference in sound quality compared to a $200 pair of headphones or...
  3. boochoo

    Best Headphones Recommendations (Currently interested in Beyerdynamics dt660)

      Hey KG Jag thanks so much for the recommendations, I'll look into them and possibly go down this route.     Hi Kupuna, Thanks for the reply. I think you really hit the nail on the head. I'm pretty big on quality but I think having portability is also very important to me. I think out of...
  4. boochoo

    Best Headphones Recommendations (Currently interested in Beyerdynamics dt660)

    Thank you for all the replies!       In terms of open or closed, I have only previously owned closed head phones. So I haven't ever experienced a good open headphone before. Secondly, I prefer over-ear set up. Currently I do not have an amp but I am open to purchasing one.    ...
  5. boochoo

    I truly believe these are one of the best Classical Music headphones I've ever heard

    Hi Guys,   I'm new to the forum and I am currently looking to purchase my first set of good headphones. Would you say these 660s would be the best bet for me? My budget is around $500 and I'm a big fan of alternative, blues, etc. I'm a big fan of John Mayer sounds, to give some context. I have...
  6. boochoo

    New Member Introductions thread

    Hi All,   I'm new to the community! I'm looking for advice and always ready to learn from all the insightful minds here! Hoping to make my first purchase this week so we'll see how that goes!   Looking forward to this community :)
  7. boochoo

    Best Headphones Recommendations (Currently interested in Beyerdynamics dt660)

    Hello everyone!   I am new to the Head Fi community and basically I've recently been getting into higher sound quality (I have a fairly high musical background as well and I guess thats where the appreciation comes from). I saw in a discussion thread that the beyerdynamic dt 660 are amazing...