Recent content by Blue4Ice
  1. Blue4Ice

    The Official Grado 325i Owners Club.

    Ah cool so I have the newer 325is phones. They are gradually opening up. They have been run in for around 25 hours now. They are still a bit bass light but I think this could be down. To some of the recordings
  2. Blue4Ice

    The Official Grado 325i Owners Club.

    Quote: Originally Posted by Jon G. I can't imagine two relatively new users have such early numbers from the original goldies, the silvers must be getting number now. Mine are the 325i and not the 325is as far as I know (it only says 325i on the box). I bought them second hand...
  3. Blue4Ice

    The Official Grado 325i Owners Club.

    Hi just joined up. I have #381 I am burning them in at the moment and they are sounding sweet although a little bass light. I have a Cyrus CD6 connected to a Cyrus 8 using a chord company interconnect. Does the bass weight improve or is the amp headphone socket underpowered for these headphones?