Head Gear Reviews by biter snake
  1. Tekfusion Twinwoofers

    2.50 star(s)
    for iems that are marketed as bass giants (Twinwoofers?!), the entire lower end of the spectrum is extremely poor and the bass lack any punch and pace whatsoever. The overall sound is quite boring which is particularly disappointing considering that they are far from being neutral and flat across the spectrum. I compared them with my old Soundmagic E30s (a fair comparison as they cost roughly the same)- while the E30 is quite blatantly coloured in its sound signature, the crunchy mids and surprisingly controlled bass make them an easy choice over...
  2. Soundmagic E30

    4.50 star(s)
      Okay so even though i'm not an audiophile in the sense that I don't necessarily look for the most neutral, flat IEMs, I do want to enjoy the music I listen to (mainly rock/ classic rock) the best I can and have spent many hundreds of dollars over the last 3 years trying out different IEMs ranging from shures to etys UEs etc.  I never cared much for earphones that cost over a 100-150 because i never really manage to stick with a pair so I probably havent yet tried the better sounding IEMs on the market just yet but of all the ones i've ever...