Recent content by biph911
  1. biph911

    what's the safest way to store music?

    With all the talk of RAID arrays I'd like to add something I didn't even consider until I made a mistake. RAID 1 (or 10,01,5, etc) do not protect you from doing something stupid. Example: I had a bunch of important files in a folder that I had mislabeled, I deleted the folder and realized my...
  2. biph911

    What is Home?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Happy Camper My wife is my home. It can be anywhere, but when I am with her, I feel at home. x2 We've moved a few times over the last few years and I've gone to each new place first to start working for a month or two. No matter where I stay, I am...
  3. biph911

    Review: ZERO 24 BIT/192KHz DAC/Headphone Amp/Pre-Amp

    Received mine yesterday. I've got 627s in the DAC and 1469s in the amp section. I'll report back once it's burned in. Definitely going to increase the resistor size in the LED board. Those things are bright.
  4. biph911

    don't walk around with your blackberry

    I too have stupidly walked into things while using my blackberry/iPhone, and had people walk right into me doing the same. Most of these incidents were in airports where weekday travelers tend to be focused on business rather than walking. I saw a guy on a motorcycle the other day looking at...
  5. biph911

    Dangers of shipping to uncomfirmed addresses?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Dorito123 Isn't that what signature required is for? Besides as a purchaser I fail to see what that has to do with the poster as he is a seller? There is no risk if you are the purchaser. The point is that some people have valid reasons for shipping to...
  6. biph911

    Dangers of shipping to uncomfirmed addresses?

    Quote: Originally Posted by jsmithepa Then some sellers wont deal with u. Simple. When I am traveling, can't think why would I want to lug all that stuff around... To ea. his own I guess. It is certainly their right not to sell to me. Given strong positive feedback in numerous...
  7. biph911

    Dangers of shipping to uncomfirmed addresses?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Dorito123 Think about it, why would someone need to ship to an address other than the address on the credit card? I'm not saying you're wrong, but I have had stuff shipped to me at a different address when traveling for long stretches.
  8. biph911

    Dangers of shipping to uncomfirmed addresses?

    Quote: Originally Posted by AuroraProject Yes, if anyone does a chargeback they will take any money in your Paypal account to satisfy the debt. Don't quote me but I'm fairly certain they can go into a linked bank account to recoup funds if needed, but I may be wrong on that. It...
  9. biph911

    Flashlight that can shine 4 miles away

    Watch out for that forum. I bought one flashlight that was supposedly mid-level. It was amazing! So soon I needed something higher end, then I was building my own. Over $1000 later I'm trying hard not to visit because I end up dropping cash.
  10. biph911

    Post the last thing you bought. Oh fun!

    Quote: Originally Posted by britishbane Random question for digitalmind, when working with MDF you have to wear some sort of mask right? Arent MDF particles extremely harmful? Depending upon what you're doing it can be pretty dusty and the glue used to make MDF probably isn't the...
  11. biph911

    Post the last thing you bought. Oh fun!

    Quote: Originally Posted by digitalmind MDF! Building speakers?? I just bought my second house, and some mandatory flood insurance.
  12. biph911

    Smash Lab

    Quote: Originally Posted by plainsong But for all that, why is American Chopper even in this thread? They create things, they aren't engineers, or scientists and don't claim to be. The challenge for them is a lot different - to design and build something in such a way so that you're not...
  13. biph911

    Investment Help?

    Just be sure to take advantage of any employer sponsored programs with some sort of a match before you do anything else. I'd consider consulting with a professional to help determine an investment strategy based on your risk tolerance. I'd also suggest creating a dummy investment account ( I...
  14. biph911

    Smash Lab

    Quote: Originally Posted by appophylite I would imagine that this would be because no one on either of these shows claims to have any engineering background? I'm an engineer and I like some of these shows-Mythbusters in particular; Smash Lab is a joke (what I've seen of it anyway) and I...
  15. biph911

    Smash Lab

    Quote: Originally Posted by n_maher As an engineer I take offense to a lot of what they've done so far. At least the way the show is edited there is almost no process to the "experiments" that they've put together and the first 2 struck me as hardly grounded in reality. It's the first...