Recent content by Billhelm
  1. Billhelm

    Disappointed in Etymotic ER6i, need suggestions

    I sold the Etymotic ER6is, and now have $50 at my disposal. So far, I've done some research and I've decided to try the Sony MX90s (I've had them before, actually, and liked them) and then do the clingfilm mod. Good plan?
  2. Billhelm

    Disappointed in Etymotic ER6i, need suggestions

    Quote: Originally Posted by Leavenfish As that seems to be your main complaint...might I suggest a little EQing? All music once it leave the instrument is digitized after all. There's no EQ on my Zune, and both complaints are equally important. I don't like the bass, but I...
  3. Billhelm

    Disappointed in Etymotic ER6i, need suggestions

    Almost all of my music is V0, with the occasional 320 CBR. I don't know, I might get used to the ER6is, but every time I go back and listen to music on my PC with a good speaker setup, my affinity for bass is reaffirmed, and I"m not sure I'll ever be happy with the lack of bass I have with the...
  4. Billhelm

    Disappointed in Etymotic ER6i, need suggestions

    I recently purchased a pair of Etymotic ER6i in-ear monitors, and I'm disappointed. The mids and highs sound nice clear, and the bass as well sounds good, but there's simply not enough to it. I listen to a lot of metal and funk, and with the amount of bass these puts out the music lacks a...