Recent content by BigTNZ
  1. BigTNZ

    Intelligent Hip-Hop; Recommendations

    If anyone is looking for Intelligent, concious, political lyrics. Saul Williams is your man. His music is quite dark, some of it is very rock oriented. Amazing spoken word rapper though
  2. BigTNZ

    Most depressing song/piece

    Bob Dylan - The Ballad of Hollis Brown "You looked for work and money And you walked a rugged mile You looked for work and money And you walked a rugged mile Your children are so hungry That they don't know how to smile..." Its a heartbreaker. One of my favourite songs to listen to...
  3. BigTNZ

    Songs too cool to function...

    Sometimes Cypress Hill smooths my step out a little. Throw your set in the air Hand on the pump. OH! and the opening to Little Green Bag by the George Baker selection... Makes me feel like Superfly TNT..."lookin back, on the track, for a little green bag..."
  4. BigTNZ

    Lets play a game! Name a headphone in a movie or MV.

    What were the headphones John Cusack had in his apartment in Hi Fidelity? His portable ones were Koss, but dunno what the other ones are
  5. BigTNZ

    NAD headphone out users? (past/present)

    I just got my first set of *real* headphones, (HD600). Running them out of my NAD C320, to my ears they sound amazing. So sweet and rich and deep. I have to confess, I have never listened to headphone amp, so I really have no point of reference ("im like a child who wanders into the middle of...
  6. BigTNZ

    Intelligent Hip-Hop; Recommendations

    I saw Blackalicious here in Auckland a few months ago. Couldnt believe some of the stuff Gab was coming out with. He is incredible. I will tell you someone to look out for, I have only heard him the 2 DJ Format albums, but it is Abdominal He has some of the most impressive breath control I...
  7. BigTNZ

    Intelligent Hip-Hop; Recommendations

    Definately if you want some electronica type hip hop The Streets is awesome. Its very UK Garage type stuff (if your into it there is So Solid Crew also which is very much bassy, gangster garage.) Roots Manuva -Dont think he has been mentioned. Roni Size-In The Mode -This album is Awesome...
  8. BigTNZ

    Recommend me some Intelligent Hip-Hop:

    Swollen Members Lyrics Born Definately MF Doom Maybe check out Saul Williams (Kind of spoken word stuff)
  9. BigTNZ

    What Are You Listening To Right Now? [#4]

    Nato's Theme by Fly My Pretties
  10. BigTNZ

    Recent Albums that have absolutley Blown You Away?

    Hip Hop - Deltron 3030 (This album is written from the point of view of someone living in the year 3030...awesome) Indie Rock - The Killers: Hot Fuss (I Bought the album based on the singles I had heard, only to find out that EVERY track is...
  11. BigTNZ

    2006 releases -- what are you waiting for?

    Im really Looking forward to the new Radiohead album. It will be interesting to see what its like because Nigel Godrich isnt producing this one. (He has produced all their albums since The Bends I do believe. Edit: Oh and the new Tool album...oooh yes please
  12. BigTNZ

    What artist(s) do you have all their albums?

    Radiohead Fun Lovin Criminals Rage Against the Machine Guru Jazzmatazz Series Swollen Members Us3 Concord Dawn
  13. BigTNZ

    The Waiting for thread

    Im waiting for my boss to pay me. Im a contracter, so my pays arent weekly which is a real hassle. So far its been a month since my last one and im pretty much broke (I have a whole load of invoices waiting to be paid) As soon as that money comes in, Im getting me some HD600's. Its getting...
  14. BigTNZ

    Amplification Opinions for a beginner

    Ok, would it be a wise decision to get what I can now with the idea of getting a decent amp later? I mean the headphones I get wont be unlistenable without a dedicated amp will they?
  15. BigTNZ

    Amplification Opinions for a beginner

    thanks. As far as an amp is the word of the day. anything over about $300 USD wont even be considered. I will probably just end up using my current amp, but I will entertain the thought of buying an amp for the pleasure of torturing myself when I get realistic and find that my...