Recent content by Big Fella
  1. Big Fella

    MP3 player sound quality??

    Quote: Originally Posted by poonpower Also I dont want an iPod because they are too popular... I like to stand out, haha. thanks Then it seems sound quality is a secondary issue, buy an ipod and paint it bright yellow, also shave your hair off leaving an small tuft on the fringe...
  2. Big Fella

    Jumping ship from iPod to iRiver

    I jumped off the irver ship onto the ipod ship last year. I have many fond memories of my h120, it was a very good player. But it is like thinking of an ex girlfriend when you have a new love, some good memories, but the comparisions wear thin as the new bird is better and an improvement. Why...
  3. Big Fella

    320 AAC or Apple Lossless??

    Neither, 320 aac is just stupid, no need to go above 198, if you ABX all bitrates i would wager you would find no difference between 198 and 320, in fact after i abx'd i found 160 to be transparent. Lossless is just daft as well, huge space for little sound difference. ABX some files (go to...
  4. Big Fella

    iPod lovers, iTunes haters, here's something for you ;)

    Quote: Originally Posted by fguihen i tried out most of the itunes alternatives when i first got an ipod as i hated itunes, sure lots of them have tons of features and extra stuff, but itunes has everything i need and i find it easier to use than a hammer. its foolproof. i dont need all...
  5. Big Fella

    ipod battery meter

    What is more annoying is that with the back light on after full charge it stays on full for maybe 10 mins, I have now have the back light on for 30 mins on the final red bar, surely this is a messed up battery meter? Will they replace for this, maybe a daft question. Player is now at 7.5 hours...
  6. Big Fella

    ipod battery meter

    Current battery time on shuffle is 7 hours, taking it back tommorow this is pathetic. If i use it i.e changes songs, with light comming on etc it is a lot less, dodgy battery.
  7. Big Fella

    ipod battery meter

    Battery drained down twice, also time it on a shuffle it was about 10 hours.
  8. Big Fella

    ipod battery meter

    I have a 5g ipod, after it is fully charged and I start playing (no backlight) the battery meter only stays on full for no more than 20 mins. Anyone else have this issue? Also I had encoded at 320, but scrapped that as it killed battery. My initial impresions of the 5g were good and still are...
  9. Big Fella

    Sennheiser EH 150?

    Just got mine today, orginally ordered DT231's (stock issue so I swapped to these) intermitantly as I intend to spend a lot more in a few months time. Initial impressions are good, we give more indepth impressions next week when they have had 100+ hours of play through them. But for price I...
  10. Big Fella

    Ipod Sound Quality vs IAudio X5

    The quality comes from the encoded source, and the headphones, I was happy with my iriver h120 with mp3's @ 224 with senns mx500's. Now I am even happier with 5g with mp3s encoded at 320 via lame/eac.
  11. Big Fella

    anyone had experience with the senns eh150?

    Just ordered a pair, be here tommorow will let you know.
  12. Big Fella

    Am I deaf, or what??

    Quote: Originally Posted by jeffnnj Thanks but none of you are answering my questions. Is that unreasonably loud?? I don't know I cant hear it! some tracks I have up high, others less so, talbums encoded at 256-320 I have on half, but then I used eupod to increase the volume tags...
  13. Big Fella

    Which Headphones

    bumpity bump bump
  14. Big Fella 5 pro: An IEM noob's first impression

    Quote: Originally Posted by depaulhifi I wanted a little more bass in my daily music, more than the splendid HD-280pro can deliver. I was really getting tired of having to push my 5g iPod to 90 some percent volume to get an entertaining output. Download eupod and you can tweak...
  15. Big Fella

    DT770 PRO + 5g ipod

    Just about to buy some DT770 PRO, as I am new to all this I was curious as to whether I would need a portable amp for my ipod video to run them? If so any advice, am on a tight budget, convincing my wife is no easy feat.