Recent content by BBB0
  1. B

    New Burson Conductor - V2 and V2+

    Will V2 pair with TH900 good?  As far as i understood from this topic, conductor should pair with them better then soloist (correct me if i'm wrong).
  2. B

    Kennerton ODIN, MAGISTER, VALI, Magni, Gjallarhorn, Rögnir, Thridi, Wodan, Thekk, and Thror Discussion.

    Nice to hear!   P.S. 3 months and still waiting, i am from Russia
  3. B

    Massdrop AKG K812 Giveaway! - COMPLETE!

    MD username: BBBdota   Some high quality chineese production maybe? vsonic, yulong, aune... also Kennerton Magister, Odin
  4. B

    Need a recommendation for DAC+AMP combo below $1000

    Hello, i am looking for DAC+AMP for my headphones. For now, i have Ultrasone Signature PRO. Going to try Kennerton Odin in future.  I listen to modern music (metal, electronic) no classics, no jazz.  I don't need big sound stage. I don't need balanced out.  My requirements are speed and...