Recent content by Bassbindevil
  1. Bassbindevil

    [Multi-Review] Examining the JVC Marshmallow, HA-FX33/34/35/30

    I'm still enjoying the HA-FX33 Marshmallows; the sound is pretty good, they don't pick up much wind noise when riding my bike, and the shape is easy to manipulate and stuff in my earholes . After my first pair (black) broke, I gave the HA-FX35 a try and didn't like them, so I found the FX33 in...
  2. Bassbindevil

    Capturing PCM from Laserdisc

    Maybe the CM6206 can only handle 48k sample rates on S/PDIF? The data sheet says "S/PDIF I/O 48 KHz sampling rate" a couple of places. Laserdisc audio (including DTS) is at 44.1. Can you pick up an old Audigy 2 ZS card from a computer recycler? Those have a bit-accurate option in the driver...
  3. Bassbindevil

    $100 Passive Bookshelf Speakers Pair

    Look for used speakers.  I've picked up respectable speakers for $6 to $10 a pair at thrift stores and fundraising sales.  Classified prices will be higher, but you should still be able to find nice speakers for 1/3 retail.  A hi-fi dealer might be able to suggest a model that was both good and...
  4. Bassbindevil

    Going nuts trying to get Foobar to playback DTS

    If anyone still cares about this thread, the secret is to install an SPDIF passthrough plugin. located here: Then to make it work, I heeded this warning: "MSVCR100.DLL library is required. If the plugin can not be loaded install Microsoft Visual C++ 2010...
  5. Bassbindevil

    Ha-Fx33/34 and Ha-Fx35 "Marshmallows"

    After my beloved HA-FX33B 'phones broke, I picked up a set of the HA-FX35B for what (in Canada) passed for a good price (under $20), since I couldn't seem to find more 33's anywhere... and was disappointed.  First impressions were that the cord was thinner and the plug wasn't as nicely molded...
  6. Bassbindevil

    i've no clue where to start

    This wouldn't help with the iPod or an external stereo, but... USB headsets like the Micro$oft LifeChat LX-3000 can be considerably better than nothing.  I picked one up on sale, and I was impressed by how comfortable it was to wear, and how not-awful the sound is.  Quite remarkable for the...
  7. Bassbindevil

    NEWBIE to earphones and amps: Do I need an amp for my Monster Turbine Pro Copper earphones?

    I doubt you really need an amp. I haven't felt the need for a separate amp yet, except when using sources that lack headphone outputs (DVD player, TV, WD TV). With a laptop, I'd concentrate on getting a decent USB sound device rather than an amp. There's worse choices than the Behringer...
  8. Bassbindevil

    Which headphones/IEMs have turned heads

    The MDR-V900 'phones look big even on my large head, so I assume people have noticed 'em when I wore them on the street or transit. I did get comments from coworkers, and at least two bought the same 'phones after trying mine.
  9. Bassbindevil

    A penny for your thoughts about noise canceling IEMs...

    I suspect you get what you pay for with noise canceling 'phones. The best ones will have little DSPs doing the work; cheap ones will just have an op-amp. This may be a (the?) rare case where Bose is worth the money. I picked up some Philips nc earbuds at a discount store for $13, checked the...
  10. Bassbindevil

    $50ish Headphone for general home use

    I've paid more for worse headphones than the Microsoft LifeChat LX-3000 headset (it helped that Staples had them sale-priced). For laptop or desktop computer use, obviously, since it is USB. Bass is deep and tight, less "muddy" than my (genuine) MDR-V900 'phones.
  11. Bassbindevil

    Best Budget Soundcard

    Various Creative cards can do bit-perfect audio in and out over S/PDIF. Some can be hacked to turn them into Emus and add features. In fact, any sound card that can pass through Dolby Digital and DTS bitstreams should be capable of bit-perfect output. Check the bins at computer recyclers or ask...
  12. Bassbindevil

    Good Idea or Bad? Sony MDR-V900HD's

    This reply comes a bit late, but... I just stepped on my beloved MDR-V900 'phones and damaged them. In hopes of finding spare parts or a broken donor pair, I came across the unfeasibly cheap Chinese V900HDs, and ended up here. Anyway, how do they sound? Bass-heavy, I'd almost say muddy...
  13. Bassbindevil

    USB DAC for 50€ - Is there one?

    How about the Behringer UCA202? That has a headphone jack, and S/PDIF out. I'm sure there are better things, but it has to be better than onboard sound. An old Creative Extigy isn't awful, if you happen to find one cheap. It has a headphone jack, and is powered separately, which is probably...
  14. Bassbindevil

    Soundcard Problem

    Have you tried it in a different PCI slot? Does Task Manager show anything intersting when the sound is blanked out, like frantic CPU activity? Do the kxproject drivers support that card? Could you boot a different OS (like a Linux or XP live CD) and see if it behaves? Or "just" swap in...
  15. Bassbindevil

    sound blaster audigy 2 zs

    There's the kxproject alternative drivers for it. I tried them, but went back to the Creative ones since the Creative one had a clear setting to enable bit-perfect S/PDIF input (for recording). The original Audigy, like the Live!, may have had some resampling issues, but I'm pretty sure the...