Recent content by Balis65
  1. Balis65

    Going back to my D2 already?(sony 728 owner)

    Quote: Originally Posted by nylan8301 We've all got our preferences. Nylan Yep...and mine definately goes to the Sony. With my SE420s, bass is excellent...but I understand the fast forward thing: I simply don't have a problem with it since I only listen to complete albums. I...
  2. Balis65

    Serious Question : Creative Zen vs Sony A728 sound quality with SA6

    Quote: Originally Posted by moseboy So has anyone actually tried or owned both? Opinions? Pros/cons of each? . I tried the Creative (16 GB) and the Sony 829 (which should have the exact same sound quality as the 728, the only difference being it has 16GB in lieu of 8 and...
  3. Balis65

    16GB Dap with the best SQ?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Phnom_Penh what would you suggest? Cheers! Sony...I heard the Samsung, but without my this statement is a little bit biased. I tried many other DAPs with my Shure SE420 earphones (including Cowon) & found none that could match the...
  4. Balis65

    Help!Digital Media Player for $180.

    Quote: Originally Posted by cuba0555 Video is not important but good sound is a must. If SQ is your most important criteria, I would have to recommend the Sony as your #1 choice.
  5. Balis65

    iPod dyin on me. need a new Hi-Fi source. Recommendations

    Quote: Originally Posted by AgainstTheGrain i've narrowed down my sources to Sony a829 Cowon A3 Ceative Zen which would yall recommend for my se530s? I have SE420s... and tried all 3 (plus the Ipdod touch) with my earphones. I settled on the Sony 829... To my taste...
  6. Balis65

    Sony Announced NWZ-A820 series.....finally 16GB Sony DAP's

    Quote: Originally Posted by calvin91 any of you canadians looked in a sony store recently?? do they have them in stock? and do they have white? thx I'm in the Montreal area & bought my NWZ-A829 almost 2 weeks ago at the Sony Style boutique in Laval. They only had 1 black in stock...