Recent content by Auraomega
  1. Auraomega

    Double/triple flange tips in the UK?

    Recently purchased some Hippo VB IEMs only to find they don't sit properly in my ear (coming from Klipsch IEMs). I'm lead to believe that double/triple flange ear tips would somewhat solve this issue however I can't find any in the UK that will fit the VB. I've found a few places across the...
  2. Auraomega

    CMoy kit or component help (UK)

    I didn't check Digi-key because the CMoy parts list directed me to the US site (which I assumed would be expensive delivery) and didn't realise there was a UK site too. I chcked it last night however the delivery cost is still rather high at just less than the parts cost (£12 delivery, £19 for...
  3. Auraomega

    CMoy kit or component help (UK)

    I checked that bit for alternatives but the selection at Maplin is quite poor to be honest and it's been quite a while since I designed a circuit for anything so I'm not entirely confident in my ability to design one for a different op-amp yet. I looked specifically at the OPA2132P(A) so there...
  4. Auraomega

    CMoy kit or component help (UK)

    I've purchased some DT770s and want to build a cheap amp to go with them however finding it very difficult in rip-off Britain! The best I've found is Fernells however at the prospective price for parts I'd be much better off buying a pre-built unit from eBay and paying to get it sent to the UK...