Recent content by aural_injection
  1. aural_injection

    Stax SR-x MK3 Does Anyone Know These?

    Many thanks for the advice John. Cheers, Gerry
  2. aural_injection

    Stax SR-x MK3 Does Anyone Know These?

    Thanks for the link John. Any guidelines as to how loud to go to charge them up? Should I use a dB SPL meter? They seem to need a charge every 15 mins or so for top performance - is that about normal? I seem to recall a dealer warning me many years ago to be careful not to destroy my...
  3. aural_injection

    Stax SR-x MK3 Does Anyone Know These?

    Hey folks, I've got a pair bought second hand many years ago. With SRD7/SB "self-energiser?". Didn't get a book with them. Always sounded a bit bass light but somehow tight enough. Then I read somewhere (could've been here...) that you're supposed to turn em up really loud to charge up the...