Recent content by audionuta
  1. audionuta

    LG V20 Sound Quality

    Wow! That's definitely not good! Were you using the original charger?
  2. audionuta

    LG V20 Sound Quality

    Continuing to enjoy the discussion!   Well, subjective listening is what it's all about, what sounds good for an individual rather than specs and numbers. (specs and numbers can give a clue though)   So far the impressions I'm getting are that the HTC 10 has my preferred "warm" sound with...
  3. audionuta

    LG V20 Sound Quality

    Wow! HTC 10 then ftw in my book! Like I said, I like to keep things real simple. Nice summary on this page: Whilst a lot of my listening is at CD quality, I don't want my higher res files down sampled!
  4. audionuta

    LG V20 Sound Quality

    Thanks club968 and SomeGuyDude Someone said to me the other day that I could just use an app with eq if I don't like the V20 signature. But I like to keep things real simple, been using the 7digital app. (called Zdigital where I live) As that's where I buy some of my music. That app has no eq...
  5. audionuta

    LG V20 Sound Quality

    Hi all,   Been enjoying this thread, big thank-you to all contributors!    Trying to decide between V20 and HTC 10 (or maybe wait for HTC 11)   My current portable set up is a Pono with Yamaha EPH-100, for me this gives great sound for fairly little coin. Really like the bass extension and...
  6. audionuta

    The Pono Player Impressions Thread

      Totally agree with maclenltd and Ableza +1 in hoping for EQ in a firmware update soon. We need to be able to adjust for our cans / tastes. Seems a glaring and very annoying omission 
  7. audionuta

    Oppo PM-1 Planar Magnetic Headphone Impressions Thread

    Thanks for the link, great read!   Do I misunderstand or did that review state that the PM-1 has a bigger bottom end, i.e. more bass than an LCD-3 !!?? Somehow I had the impression the PM-1's were less bass tilted than the LCD-3's....
  8. audionuta

    Oppo PM-1 Planar Magnetic Headphone Impressions Thread

    I may have jumped the gun - ordered these from the states thinking it would be a while before they're available locally. seem to have them now for A$1699 with free Aus shipping!
  9. audionuta

    Oppo PM-1 Planar Magnetic Headphone Impressions Thread

    All got sorted in the end.  ^ good suggestion, not really sure what the issue was but used a different payment method. Anyway, they're on their way  Will take a little while for them to make their way down to me though.   edit: I hope the Pono player has some way to bump the bass for when...
  10. audionuta

    Oppo PM-1 Planar Magnetic Headphone Impressions Thread

    Unfortunately my order has been cancelled    something to do with being unable to validate the card. This is despite my Entropay visa being prepaid - the funds are already there! Thought I had a way around needing a US billing address, I guess not!  
  11. audionuta

    Oppo PM-1 Planar Magnetic Headphone Impressions Thread

    Been reading these Oppo threads with much anticipation (lurking)   Went ahead and placed an order, will cost me a bit extra due to various fees as I am in Australia, billing and shipping need to be US!   Anyway, couldn't resist. Hope its worth it!   My personal sound preference is with...