Recent content by astroman55
  1. astroman55

    Evshrug's "If I knew then what I know now" discussion journal.

    On windows 2% via volume control
  2. astroman55

    Evshrug's "If I knew then what I know now" discussion journal.

    Any reason why on Volume of 2 it is quite loud using the creative x7? using optical its no where near as loud 
  3. astroman55

    Evshrug's "If I knew then what I know now" discussion journal.

    I bought the creative X7 and am currently using them with audio technica adg1 and most likely upgrade to the Fidelio X2's but I am have a few problems and questions   I assume I should be using the Normal Gain 32/300 ohm headphone option?   I have the X7 connected to my PC via usb and PS4...