Recent content by ArianneG
  1. ArianneG

    Music of the excellent variety.

    Prog rock is good music, though I tend more to the 80's stuff. Still, Pink Floyd, Deep Purple and Jethro Tull for the win! I haven't heard them personally, but a friend who has been spot on with her recommendations music-wise suggested looking up the music of Neu! Also, try Electric Light...
  2. ArianneG

    Music of the excellent variety.

    Well-- classical's been around so long, I suppose it's easier to name the composer and work in question, than to spout off a stream of people who've performed these songs. Personally when reccing music I tend to just name the composer, or in the case of modern music, the band in question and...
  3. ArianneG

    My Music Server!

    You sir are a phenomenon never before seen! LOL Great respect, it takes much love and care to do something like this.
  4. ArianneG

    Music of the excellent variety.

    Maybe my musical taste is all wrong for you, LOL, but still as long as we're here to do a musical taste expansion: I might be able to point out a few on the classical frontier you might like: Music from Bach, Vivaldi, and Handel: For Bach, you have the Cello Suites; Rostropovich's recordings are...
  5. ArianneG

    Wax removing ear drops

    Olive oil works if it's dry type wax: but what happens if you're they type like me who produces sticky earwax that won't fall out? I'd be happy if there's a method short of syringing at an ENT clinic that would fix it-- it's 300 or more a pop in my local currency each visit, and I end up having...
  6. ArianneG

    What music would you like played when you've bought the farm?

    Tallis's Spem in alium or Karl Jenkins's Benedictus. My selection varies by mood and memory however. Some days I favour Mozart's Dies Irae. 
  7. ArianneG

    Of the Modern Classical Composers, whose your favorite?

    Chiming in with Arvo Part's Spiegel im Spiegel. The mounting silences interspersed with the piano notes entwined with the violin create an ascending stairway into the sky in my imagination. Also, second whoever mentioned Lauridsen's Lux Aeterna. Also try Eric Whitacre's "When David Heard" and...
  8. ArianneG

    Baroque/Classical pieces focused on brass?

    IIRC off the top of my head there's a Horn Concerto by Mozart. Pretty bracing stuff. might have something there you could find.
  9. ArianneG

    Before you were an Audiophile...

    I didn't really start caring about fidelity until recently when I went shopping around for new speakers, even though I've been musically trained most of my life. I got sucked into an audiophiles' forum locally, then started on the long journey in search of fidelity. And that's how I ended up...
  10. ArianneG

    Songs That Give You the Goosebumps (the good ones)

    My TL;DR list:   Spem in alium sung by the Tallis Scholars (The Huelgas recording is more balanced, but the pure joy of the Tallis Scholars version with the sopranos seeming to soar into the atmosphere!). Ockeghem's Deo Gratias (Huelgas Ensemble recording). Bruckner's Locus Iste and...
  11. ArianneG

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    Lisa Gerrard, "Pai Calls The Whales" from The Whale Rider soundtrack   Coldplay, "Viva La Vida" from Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends