Recent content by Apesbrain
  1. Apesbrain

    Grado SR125 vs SR225.. are the 225s worth the upgrade?

    I'm a long-time SR125 owner who recently upgraded to the SR225i and I really like them.  They seem to have deeper, more impactful bass and a little less brightness right out of the box.  Using the big G-cush bowls and a Beyerdynamic headband cover and they sound great and are very comfortable. ...
  2. Apesbrain

    Rio this accurate?

    austonia- I do get it. In your role at, Rio has shown you a preview of the Chroma. I wish you could tell us more! Is there anything you can tell us? The Karma is at such a good price right now, it's getting harder to wait for the Chroma. Thanks.
  3. Apesbrain

    Rio this accurate?

    Could be, but... - some others who have seen this picture have remarked that it looks like a Photoshop'd image of a Carbon - the name "Chroma" implies that this device will have a color screen as does the upcoming iRiver H340. Just my $.02.
  4. Apesbrain

    What are you listening to _right now_?

    "Butterflies & Airplanes" by The Clarks on RealRhapsody via Grado 125s. Sweet.
  5. Apesbrain

    bought a rio karma, nice....

    Quote: Originally Posted by slick i did a quick comparison of SQ using MP3 and FLAC, its official, MP3's suck Just curious, did you try Ogg Vorbis on the Karma and, if so, what did you think of the SQ? Supposed to sound better than MP3 and is gapless on the Karma. Also, MP3s...