Recent content by Anzabob
  1. Anzabob

    Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)

    In finland (Europe) pricing differs a lot from america... If i buy AD 700X they sell for 180E and if i buy AKG 701 it will be the same: 180E With that in mind, is AKG the superior choise? For competitive gaming, no other purpose
  2. Anzabob

    <200E Headphones for gaming

    Hello, I'm looking for a new gaming headphones. Since i already have good speakers for music and movies, and i will only be using them in games for better positional audio.   So i'm looking for the best Sounstage above anything else. From my recearch in the internet Ive bumped across reviews...