Recent content by ANP !!!
  1. ANP !!!

    Pictures of your computer rigs! Post them here!

    Did minor changes to my setup
  2. ANP !!!

    Pictures of your computer rigs! Post them here!

    Decent setup Zenpunk. That's a nice and clean setup Duke.
  3. ANP !!!

    Need a USB DAC for a laptop

    uDAC without a doubt, possibly the best DAC in its price and can be comparable upto DACs 3x its price.
  4. ANP !!!

    How are the M Audio av40s?

    AV40 is a pretty decent set, and will give you much cleaner and better music production then your current computer speakers, I was in the market for a Studio monitors, I almost got the A2 over AV40, A2 is said to create better overall sound then the AV40 that can get very bright sometime (which...
  5. ANP !!!

    Pictures of your computer rigs! Post them here!

    Before the clean up :P
  6. ANP !!!

    Pictures of your computer rigs! Post them here!

    Quote: Originally Posted by stang I'm guessing that system has all the looks and no performance What are the specs of it? Corsair 650w psu(or is it 850w?)...great brand but where are all the watts And ofc you built it yourself, everyone should have built their own computers, I'd be...
  7. ANP !!!

    Pictures of your computer rigs! Post them here!

    Quote: Originally Posted by .Sup I like the lighting ANP! What does the watermark in the middle of the photo say? Thanks Sup, its my name - Abhishek N Patel (ANP > that's where I got my nick name from)
  8. ANP !!!

    Pictures of your computer rigs! Post them here!

    Although I dont have any decent audio stuffs to show off here (other then the Logitech Z5500 which is missing in this picture, cause they are wall mounted). Here is my rig that is awaiting a decent stereo setup. (wharfedale diamond 9.1)
  9. ANP !!!

    Wharfdale Diamond 9.1 vs M-audio AV40 + Xonar DX

    Thanks Sup. EMU0404 USB is such a powerhouse, I wont be able to buy it now though since I am short of cash , I can buy it within 2 months, but till then will the Wharfdales + amp combo sound good with the stock card ??
  10. ANP !!!

    Wharfdale Diamond 9.1 vs M-audio AV40 + Xonar DX

    Hello Headfi. I am a long long time reader of this community, I usually get all my queries answered through the search option which never made me register here. So I am in the market for a stereo setup that is decent for Music. I dont care much about bass, but it should have acceptable...