Recent content by AndrewWG
  1. AndrewWG

    How does the pico's amp portion compare to AE-2?

    I want to know if I should just stick with AE-2 for my iModed iPod or if I should go with the pico w/o DAC for my iMod. Does anyone have any experience with comparing the two products?
  2. AndrewWG

    6G Ipods...UGH

    I have the iPod 6G, 30GB iPod 5G and iPod 5.5G w/iMod. I was using the line out going into a HR Micro Amp to power the DT 770 headphones. I can tell you that the 6G wheel was still buggy after the 1.0.2 update for me but it's over extension of the high pitched sounds hurt my ears a little I had...
  3. AndrewWG

    iMod a Portable source close to a Cambridge Audio 640C v2 CD Player

    I did a comparison with 650HD headphones, Headroom 2007 Micro amp with dual inputs, and a cable from the Teac Radio as mini to mini from iMod dock connector to Micro Amp, and on the Azur 640C v2 an iPod Tricon cable from Synergistic Research to the Micro Amp. I used the built in switch of the...
  4. AndrewWG

    2007 HeadRoom Micro amp or DAC, anyone?

    I've only recently been looking at Headphone amps since I can't bring my stereo and speakers with me to school. I've listened to the 2006 Headroom Micro, Hornet with 40hrs of burn in, and finally the 2007 Micro Amp. I can tell you that the 2007 Micro Amp has the widest frequency range I've...
  5. AndrewWG

    Does the Hornet "M"' s sound signifigantly improve with burn-in?

    I just recieved the Hornet today and it's sound stage and clarity seem to leave much to be desired when compared to my 2007 HeadRoom Micro. My setup is an iMod, genaric mini to mini (waiting on professonal quality cable), and HD650's. I want to know if the sound would change drasticlly once...
  6. AndrewWG

    Is the iMod worth the extra $199 ?

    I just recieved my iModed iPod and have done about 10 hrs of burn in so far. I can already hear more sounds in the music background than I did with just an iPod and it has a much deeper soundstang than before. Just on the 2007 Headroom Micro Amp and HD 650s it may come close to my $ 10,000 -...
  7. AndrewWG

    HeadAmp Pico Portable Amp (w/ optional upsampling 24/96 USB DAC) Pre-Order Thread

    I would like to order a Pico w/o DAC and recieve it before Nov 15 if possible. I love music and this is the start of using a portable rig to listen to at College. I have limited funds and have already listened to the Headroom Micro Amp vs 2007 Headroom Micro Amp w/req pwr plug. I liked the 2007...