Recent content by Alien2063
  1. Alien2063

    Has anyone heard this before?

    Sorry to say i dont have solution, but i got the same problem from time to time. Tried 20+ different drivers, not using ASIO and for this mostly appears when starting VideoLAN To look at film/tvseries or youtube in Chrome. I played around with different SW no difference.  The only thing is -...
  2. Alien2063

    HE-400i, HD700s, Audeze EL-8, or Beyerdynamic T1/T90

    I would argue vehemently about the build quality of the Sennheiser HD700. Sure the phone itself despite plastic is durable. But the cord? After 2.5 years it completely disintegrated. The rubber split everywhere. I bought Cardas, so far all good.  Still the biggest letdown are the Earpads. They...