Recent content by Alexxus
  1. Alexxus

    NuPrime DAC-10H - Desktop DAC and Headphone Amp

    It remembers the volume for each input. It starts from zero and goes up to the last setting, so you don't jump out of your socks if your last session was a headbanging one. Just a quick update: I got myself the matching amp, the ST-10, and it has blown me away. Fantastic combo. It has...
  2. Alexxus

    NuPrime DAC-10H - Desktop DAC and Headphone Amp

    Well, I've had it for near enough two years. Works without fail, as it always did. I'm torn whether to upgrade going active on speakers, or buy the matching NuPrime amp and look for better passive speakers than the ones I'm currently using. Anyway, I've got nothing but good things to say about...
  3. Alexxus

    NuPrime DAC-10H - Desktop DAC and Headphone Amp

    I don't know, man. You could try, see how it works for you. I don't see how I could do anything wrong, but you never know. Just make sure you have the previous version install pack handy, just in case. If you need it, I could always send it to you.
  4. Alexxus

    NuPrime DAC-10H - Desktop DAC and Headphone Amp

    Well, I tried this latest driver, didn't really work for me. I mean the DAC keeps disappearing, Windows can't see it until I restart, sometimes not even after that. Quite a pain in the ass, to be honest, so I rolled back to 6.55, which, fortunately, I had lying about on one of my hard disks...
  5. Alexxus

    NuPrime DAC-10H - Desktop DAC and Headphone Amp

    I've been using 6.55 with Win 7 and then with Win 10, never had any issues. I'll update to the 7.1 just because I need to have the latest and greatest in everything :smile: Thanks for the heads-up! :thumbsup:
  6. Alexxus

    NuPrime DAC-10H - Desktop DAC and Headphone Amp

    I've used for about a year with the DAC-10H my trusted Sennheiser HD-580, which have the same driver as the early HD-600. I understand the driver has undergone some changes in subsequent iterations, though I'm not sure how relevant those were. I doubt we're talking "night and day" situations...
  7. Alexxus

    NuPrime DAC-10H - Desktop DAC and Headphone Amp

    I'll contribute my 2 cents:   1. My opinion is that instrument timbre is largely dependent on the recording/engineering. However, I find that the DAC 10H presents the recording with great clarity, I hear more details than before, but not in a "forward" way, they are just there, whereas before...
  8. Alexxus

    NuPrime DAC-10H - Desktop DAC and Headphone Amp

    Thanks. In Europe it's not so bad, as there's no customs tax. Also, the price on them has gone down a lot lately. They're not exactly cheap, but a lot less expensive than they used to be.
  9. Alexxus

    NuPrime DAC-10H - Desktop DAC and Headphone Amp

    Thanks, guys. I'm planning to go over to the dark side and start using pro monitors. I'm thinking something like Neumann KH310, but it will have to wait until second part of next year, when hopefully I'll finish building my house and move in. The place where I'm living now is way too cramped for...
  10. Alexxus

    NuPrime DAC-10H - Desktop DAC and Headphone Amp

    I bought the DAC 10H a couple weeks ago, based only on the reviews I read, since it is not available in my country, so I had to buy it online. To be honest, I was a bit nervous, I've never spent so much on a DAC before. I was considering two options, the Mytek Brooklin and the NuPrime 10H. After...