Recent content by Akha
  1. Akha

    Schiit Modi Stuttering

    Whoops, CPU usage. And it just cut out on me again....  
  2. Akha

    Schiit Modi Stuttering

    My PC usage is usually under 10% and memory about 25. With firefox open it probably jumps up a little. Just a little while ago the modi completely cut out on me and had to replug it back in..... At least there's no skipping on fb2k while it's working.   I wonder if it's possibly the cables...
  3. Akha

    Schiit Modi Stuttering

    I have yet to try out other media players but swapping from WASAPI to ASIO4ALL seems to have solved the stuttering problem. It still persists with youtube and watching videos in MPC however.  
  4. Akha

    Schiit Modi Stuttering

    I recently acquired a Schiit Modi dac. Was already pretty frustrated with it refusing to work until a reboot. While playing music in fb2k every 20 odd seconds it will stop playing for a few seconds and start again, or even cut out sections altogether. Similar issue on youtube videos and watching...
  5. Akha

    *Comparison and Review* Magni/Modi vs O2/ODAC

    So as the current owner of an O2 with no ODAC, would I be right to say getting a Magni would be a waste of time? I was wondering how mixing and matching would work. I don't have a standalone DAC. It's simply awkward to have my E17 on the floor in a mess of cables the way it is now. The modi does...
  6. Akha

    「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge

    Index S2. Punch bitches get money.
  7. Akha

    「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge

    VLC in general has much poorer audio sampling and image quality. It even manages to make subs look worse sometimes. It's less versatile too. I did hear of a VLC 2 that is supposedly much improved but I've yet to try it myself, I know for a fact when I first set up my MPC with MadVR and Haali and...
  8. Akha

    「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge

    Lurking the whole time since I can't give input on most audio talk and I refrained from making rude posts about people using VLC in 2012 :3 but listen to the Plantib remix for Beautiful World, it's wonderful.
  9. Akha

    「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge

    I don't remember exactly but i installed a plugin to fix my foobar at one point where japanese characters came out as random chinesr or symbols. Sorry I can'y remember the name... I absolutely can relate to the sleepiness in class thing. I'll sometimes struggle to stay up fading in and out of...
  10. Akha

    「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge

    I have watched Legend of the Galactic Heroes. The remastered version. Its interesting to see the huge difference in animation and style. Surprising to see so many Malaysians here. I'm from Singapore here.
  11. Akha

    「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge

    Sleep is for the weak!! ... The guy in the blue element shirt?
  12. Akha

    「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge

    Quote: Don't worry you're probably way more familiar with headphones than I am xD I can't even describe my own preferences properly. I have yet to try the M50, it indeed is quite tempting since there are so many rave reviews about it, I slowly start to lean towards it then I'll run across...
  13. Akha

    「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge

    Wow awesome, I didn't expect to find a thread like this on a headphone forum. Not to derail, I made a post in the headphone recommendations thread, I did get some input but I wouldn't mind more before making such a expensive purchase xD. Could some of you provide me with some input on how the...
  14. Akha

    ++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum

    Quote:   Yes I'm looking them up right now, I have to say I love the look of the tan HD598's. Thanks for the input!