Recent content by agrumos79
  1. agrumos79

    Audio GD NFB-11.28 vs R2R 11

    Yes, I confirm as well. On the fly conversion to PCM works well and I have very few DSD albums so it's not an issue at all for me.
  2. agrumos79

    Audio GD NFB-11.28 vs R2R 11

    Hmmm, actually if I set "Automatic Detection", DSD stays grey so I assume Audirvana does transpose to PCM. If I force DSD over PCM standard 1.0 or 1.1, DSD64 and DSD128 switch to green and I do hear the artifacts indeed. It works fine with "initial dCS method" but I don't know what that is. Yes...
  3. agrumos79

    Audio GD NFB-11.28 vs R2R 11

    Hi, I have the exact same album (Amber Rubarth's Sessions) in DSD, and I can't hear any noise on my R2R-11 + HD 6XX. I use Audirvana Plus, with "Native DSD Capability" set on "Automatic Detection". What part of what track do you have issues with? I'm keen to check more carefully. Thanks
  4. agrumos79

    VE - A New and Impressive Earbuds Brand

    I'm on the verge to update my Zen 1.0 to 2.0, but still wondering if it's worth it. What is the consensus in terms of sound quality improvement ?  I know there is a lot of hype about them, so real and honest opinions from actual owners only please !   Background: Zen 1.0 powered by a Fiio...
  5. agrumos79

    VE - A New and Impressive Earbuds Brand

    Alright, thanks everyone for your answers ! It's ordered, so like Father Schu said, it has to be good  !    Also, what are the yuin-look-alike buds included as a gift ? Do they share the same internal as the beta-asura in a different body ?
  6. agrumos79

    VE - A New and Impressive Earbuds Brand

    I’m on the verge to press the purchase button for the Zen to upgrade a pair of Yuin PK3. I have no complaints about the PK3 which sounds very good to me, but the previous comments and reviews on the Zen seem very promising.   I power the PK3 with a Fiio E17 and plan to do the same with the...
  7. agrumos79

    VE - A New and Impressive Earbuds Brand

    Can the Fiio E17 drive the VE Zen ?