Recent content by AFRIED

    AURALiC Vega

    I have worked endlessly on the issue of settings. Mind you that is really important in getting most out of the Vega. I have a custom built Desktop that uses 2 Samsung SSD in raid 0, the best ASUS motherboard, great memory and processor.  I also optimized the computer settings to give the...

    AURALiC Vega

    The Firmware upgrade path is probably covered in the manual. I had to upgrade a driver and I saved it on my desktop then pointed to the address of said file like you would do on any driver update.   To sound the best use a great USB cable. Test them out before buying. I found the following...

    AURALiC Vega

    I have had it for over a year. The Vega can sound very different dependent on USB, Interconnect Cables and speakers that are used. Also the computer latency and setting make a difference. In summary it is the finest sounding DAC I have ever heard.  It certainly does not have rolled off highs. I...