Recent content by Adder
  1. Adder

    Who's your least favorite musical artist?

    Rap in general, male-fronted pop-rock/punk (I don't know why but I REALLY hate it when the male 'vocalists' start singing), and metal in general.
  2. Adder

    Grado 225i with E7/E9 combo?

    No improvement to me. Unless your tracks are mastered really soft, you shouldn't need an amp for the 225.
  3. Adder

    Thinking of getting K701's (noobish questions inside)

    You might be able to use the k701 with your onboard sound card. I've managed to pump out music at a decent volume with my k601 plugged directly into my laptop. However, if your sound card is bad, you'll want a DAC. The difference between a bad sound card and a decent DAC is quite noticeable...
  4. Adder

    Dac/Portable Amp for Sr125i

    I've tried all the Prestige Grados and I can safely tell you an amp is not necessary for them.
  5. Adder

    The most beautiful headphones you know of?

    Although I slightly prefer the k601 sound, the k701s are, in my eyes, possibly the best-looking headphones ever created. The old Grado RS-1s come a close second.
  6. Adder

    wearing headphones backwords vs forwords

    Some report wearing headphones slightly forward and low gives the best sound. I would agree with that.
  7. Adder

    I need help, and I have no idea where to ask .. :S

    Have you personally tried the headphones yet?
  8. Adder

    SOUL by Ludacris Headphones...

    Quote: Dr Dre said the same thing about the Beats.
  9. Adder

    Recommend me something that can drive a k701

    Hi, I'd love recommendations for portable amps that can drive a pair of AKG k701s to a decent volume. I'm wondering if a Stepdance could do it.   Thanks in advance.
  10. Adder

    ++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum

    Hey guys.   I currently own a pair of Grado SR80s. I'm looking to get an upgrade, and my budget's around $250. I play music from my Fuze, and I have a Stepdance.    I mostly listen to traditional pop (Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, Nat 'King' Cole - stuff like that), with a little bit...
  11. Adder

    Grado owners - Treble Ratings for each model

    Where would the MS2s be on this list?
  12. Adder

    Do YOU EQ your grados?

    I find the highs OK. 
  13. Adder

    YAY! I finished painting my Grados (Purple Talking Dinosaur Style)

    Oh my. I shouldn't have looked at this thread.
  14. Adder

    Light headphones for listening to and producing music, price range 80-140$ ?

    According to these forums, you can't go wrong with the Audio Technica M50. Personally, I haven't tried them yet, but they're quite highly spoken of around here.