Recent content by A1itH
  1. A1itH

    What's the one song that really made you appreciate your headphones?

    I just got my AD700s for Christmas. They're my first cans and the first time I put Kid A on and heard Everything In It's Right Place... well, it was amazing. Radiohead - Everything In It's Right Place
  2. A1itH

    newbie seeking advice

    I just got my first cans for christmas: the Audio Technica AD700. I absolutely love them. I am still quite a noob myself but I've had a lot of fun with these, and the better version (the AD900) are supposed to be even better and come in around $220 before shipping. I've never heard those but...
  3. A1itH

    Headphone's for gameing

    Just wanted to throw in my vote for the Audio Technica AD700s. I own these and have found they are AMAZING for gaming - and conveniently enough music too!
  4. A1itH

    Pictures of Your Portable Rig [Part IX]

    I only discovered this site a few months ago but I thought I would post my beginner gear. These are my Koss KSC-75s with my new 80gb iPod Classic (Christmas was awesome ) All my gear (thanks to everyone here)! The AD700's clearly aren't for my portable rig - if it can even be called...
  5. A1itH

    how do you convert a cd to 100% lossless on your computer?

    I vote for Apple Lossless Codec. If you have an iPod this is a very simple way of encoding of all your cds in a lossless format. I love it.
  6. A1itH

    So what's Hong Kong Like?

    I'm hoping to go on exchange to Hong Kong for a term next year. I hear there's some good audio equipment to be found there... ? ... I hope so anyways! *Crossing my fingers*
  7. A1itH

    Radiohead North American Tour Takes Shape

    MMMMMM! I'm listening to In Rainbows as I type! TORONTO HERE I COME!
  8. A1itH

    Don't wear headphones when crossing the street (pic)

    I think this is an important issue to bring up. I have a friend who is now an only child because her sister stepped out in front of a car while listening to her ipod. I'm glad to see people are doing something about it and thank you for posting this picture; it's a good thing for our...
  9. A1itH

    Cheap Cans

    Koss KSC75. I am a relative newbie around here (this is my second post...) but I do own a pair of Audio Technica AD700s and a pair of Koss KSC75s and the Koss really do sound amazing - don't be turned off by the price! Don't just take my word for it, search KSC75 on these forums and hear what...
  10. A1itH

    Headphones for gaming and music

    Hi Winterlord! I'm also new to this whole audiophile world (this is my first post on this forum, though I've been creeping on it for months :-o). I just received my first set of real cans for Christmas - I got the AD700s. Like you I was looking for some good cans for both music and gaming and...