  1. gabrielo

    Can WD-TV-LIVE be used as a dedicated-source-component?

      I'm in the process of designing my music-pc which I would like to be small, quiet and decent looking. I plan to load all my music in FLAC format and connect over USB to my new Zodiac+ DAC. I don't want to have another server running so that rules out all streaming products like APPLE-TV...
  2. Western Digital WD TV Live Plus 1080p HD Media Player

    Western Digital WD TV Live Plus 1080p HD Media Player

    Play media from your home network and the Internet on your big screen TV. Plus, enjoy access to your Netflix unlimited membership and other premium content. Don’t confine your movies, music, and photos to your small computer screen. Experience them as big as life on your TV in Full-HD 1080p with...