  1. Kendoji

    Any impressions of the Grant Fidelity PH-6 headphone tube amp?

    So I'm extremely happy with my Grant Fidelity TubeDAC 11 - it's an awesome little piece of equipment, and sounds incredible for what it costs.   Grant Fidelity also have a headphone tube amp called the PH-6 that supposedly (according to them in a thread somewhere) pairs nicely with the DAC...
  2. Grant Fidelity PH-6 Tube Headphone Amplifier

    Grant Fidelity PH-6 Tube Headphone Amplifier

    This standalone headphone amplifier is for the absolute head-fi'ers. 6J1 tube output, compact size, with hand wound Oxygen Free Cooper transfomer. Made by Yaqin Audio in China, who has been Grant Fidelity supplier and great personal friends with us for 5 years. There are quite a strong...