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  1. ThinkAwesome

    Why isn't flat on the compensation curve flat?

    So.    The flattest headphone I have, both in listening and graphs, is the V6. I've definitely heard flatter, and a lot of headphones measure flatter. The issue is that headphones that sound flatter, don't really measure flatter.    The V6 is bright. It is the brightest "neutral"ish...
  2. ThinkAwesome

    So many headphones use the similar pads...

    I've been noticing that a large number of headphones have interchangeable pads. A staggering number of headphones are compatible with these Beyerdynamic velour pads. The DT250 and DT280 that they were originally designed for, the Sony MDR-V6/7506, CD700, ATH-M30/M35, M50, and Monoprice 8323 to...
  3. ThinkAwesome

    Apparently Klipsch is suing Monoprice It's not over headphone copying, but it about copying speakers, and both companies do make headphones, and it's still pretty interesting. Also related to the article. Anyone have both the...