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  1. nealric

    Millett "Starving Student" hybrid amp

    Sorry to jump in with a noob question, but I thought this thread was as good a place as any...    I have a Millet hybrid that I bought from a head-fi member about five years ago. Worked great when I initially received it.  It went through a couple of moves and fell into disuse 2-3 years ago...
  2. nealric

    [workout gear] Would this actually work? It's not very expensive, which is cool

      Repeat after me: THERE ARE NO SHORTCUTS.    You will not get in shape unless you put in the work. Full stop. 
  3. nealric

    Standard of cheating depressingly low in undergraduates

    Quote:   I think the lowest-common denominator teaching to the test is actually pretty misguided if the goal is better standardized test scores. My high school classes were so far beyond the state standardized tests that it was laughable. The high school exit exam tested concepts we had...
  4. nealric

    Is buying a HD CRT the cheapest way to enter into HD?

    CRTs give me headaches no matter how high I try to turn up the refresh rate.    I would never want to go back to a CRT. 
  5. nealric


    Tri bike for next season. Fork is cut now, just needs the correct headset. It's also sharing the roadie wheels until I can save up for some nice carbon tubulars.        Roadie:       Fixie for around town:   
  6. nealric

    Need Jazz Suggestions

    Charles Mingus "Ah Um" was given to me as a birthday present when I was 16. I was a complete noob to jazz at the time, and it got me hooked. 
  7. nealric

    And so it begins! Wedding planning....any suggestions/ideas/ect are welcome!

    In some states, you don't even need any particular qualification to marry people. Basically, as long as the couple has a marriage license, has *someone* officiate, fills out the paperwork, and they say some sort of vow, the marriage is valid.    However, even if you aren't religious, a good...
  8. nealric

    And so it begins! Wedding planning....any suggestions/ideas/ect are welcome!

    Honestly, it's weird that they were even asking for your psych history. The church I got married in just required 6 hours of pre-marital counseling. The counseling actually consisted of some useful marriage advice. 
  9. nealric

    And so it begins! Wedding planning....any suggestions/ideas/ect are welcome!

    My advice is to try to find a reception venue where you can get your own caterer and buy your own alcohol.    I got married at the university where my wife attended. They had a great event space and allowed us to bring in all our own food/alcohol. We had a great barbecue place cater and got...
  10. nealric

    Standard of cheating depressingly low in undergraduates

    Interesting discussion. My experiences were much different...   People cheated on homework all the time in high school. There was a lot of borderline stuff between asking someone for help and just copying. But there was a lot of BS work. I avoided that scene. There wasn't too much cheating...
  11. nealric

    Who here still reads?

    My problem is that my profession requires me to read and write dense material all day. My brain can't handle more reading after I get home.    I do try to knock off a book or two when I'm on vacation or have time off. 
  12. nealric

    Christmas 2010 Triple Giveaway (game closed)

    Dang... so close.    I am going to bow out of round two since I ended up buying a millet hybrid.    Good luck to the round two people!
  13. nealric

    Mahler's 10th?

    Hmm... so I guess the consensus is that it's not up to the standard of greatness. I may keep working on it. I want to be able to like it. 
  14. nealric

    "idosing": strange trend emerges.

    This again?    Pretty lame that the journalist didn't even bother to listen to it before writing the article. It's weird creepy music- that will freak you out in a dark room. Nothing more, nothing less. 
  15. nealric

    Mahler's 10th?

    Since the forum seems to have a lot of Mahler fans, I wanted to see what people's thoughts were on his 10th.    I initially disliked Mahler. After several listens, I eventually came to love all of Mahler 1-9 (I have the CSO set). The problem was that it took me a while to hear the structure-...
  16. nealric

    2010 Black Friday/Cyber Monday discounts

    Quote:   Netflix on demand + Roku (or other streaming device). I agree that buying BD discs is for the birds.   
  17. nealric

    Personality, age, and music genres

    Another INTJ here. Seems like the personality type is attracted to strange things like audiophilia.    25 yrs old:   I've been a classical guy since around the 7th grade. Over the years I've dabbled in just about everything from hip-hop to techno- but classical is what I always end up...
  18. nealric

    Money is not a deterrent - What is it that you would like to do career wise?

    I would probably form a public interest law firm. I like doing legal work, and wouldn't really want to do something else. Philanthropy sounds good too though.    It's weird to say it, but I don't think I would like it if money were no object. Having everything given to you on a silver...
  19. nealric

    American kids, dumber than dirt; is it really this bad?

    Quote: I didn't say they could get thrown out for failing a class. But the problem is that children legally have to stay in school until 16. You can't just get rid of bad students like you can in the military. 
  20. nealric

    Ultimate Gadgets Since 1923

    A few of those were bought and paid for ads.    The Dyson Air Multiplier. Seriously? It's just an overpriced fan. 
  21. nealric

    American kids, dumber than dirt; is it really this bad?

    Quote: The problem is that you can throw people out of the military, but you can't throw people out of society (short of putting them in prison). That said, I disagree with your point about indoctrination- I never had any such class in High school (1999-2003)- and I frankly haven't...
  22. nealric

    Critique my marketing paper - it's about headphones!

    Formatting suggestion: Put a space between each paragraph. It helps with readability. 
  23. nealric

    Just for interest, post your daily activities.

    8-9AM: Wake up, shower, breakfast  9AM: Bike to school 9:30AM - 9PM Class/Studying/Wasting time 9PM: Bike Home 9:30PM-10:30: Run 10:30-12:00 relax 12:00 Bed    Things will change drastically come January when I finish school. I've been out of the real world far too long.   ...