Recent content by Operaphile
  1. Operaphile

    Shure SE 535 Reds Sennheiser IE 80 Westone 4-R ???

    I was in a similar position as the OP not that long ago and ended up getting the W4's. I'm happy with them but not wowed. They're fine, I don't regret getting them but I'm still looking for something that will really trip my trigger. The sound is good, slightly better that the 535's (though...
  2. Operaphile

    Which one would you buy : The Shure 215?

    I like my 215's and have slept in them, but will admit that they are a little too big to be ideal for sleeping. They're very comfortable and isolate well, but lay on your side and you'll notice it. Sounds like it'd be a good solution, but not great. I haven't had the opportunity to sleep or try...
  3. Operaphile

    Its that time again Columbus OHIO meet 3rd time go

    I'm on the road for the next while. I wish I could come.
  4. Operaphile

    Is shure se 215 special edition good for me?

    The 215's are very good. Shure does mids very well and the 215's are no exception. The highs don't sparkle enough for some but it sounds like you've tried them and liked them so I'd say you're in a good place. As you've figured out, it's all subjective. Big bass heads say they don't have enough...
  5. Operaphile

    Another Shure SE535 Red Limited Edition launched in USA

    Maybe I'm just being pedantic here but I feel like Shure is either dropping the ball here or trying to put one over on the consumer. It's obvious there has been confusion (and has been since the SE(j)'s came out. Why are they not coming out and addressing the issue directly. "There has been...
  6. Operaphile

    What's the best IEM for opera? ~$300-500

    I ended up getting the W4's and am pretty happy with them, but I don't feel they are "the ones." They've got great clarity, not fatiguing at all, and are really smooth from top to bottom. They're def not bass happy but neither am I so that works for me. I agree that their clarity/accuracy can be...
  7. Operaphile

    Shure SE535: Reviews and First Impressions Thread

    I think I'll get the 846's but I'll prob wait a year to see if the price drops. I just got a pair of w4's a couple months ago and with a new Shure flagship out I can prob pick up the 535(j)'s cheaper so I'll look for that in the mean time. Any way you slice it, this is a good thing. Even if...
  8. Operaphile

    SE535's better than Momentums?

    Here's my 2cents. I listen to 90% opera and listen critically; I sing for a living and am looking for very specific things usually. There's the back ground.   I think I want the 535ltd(j)'s most of all. I think. I live in the US and they're hard to come by. I liked the standard version quite...
  9. Operaphile

    Shure SE535 Special Edition

    Not yet. There is a Red version sold in just a few select placed around the US but *these are not the same thing.* There is a Special Edition (RED) and a Limited Edition (also RED) but the ones sold in the US don't have the improved acoustical tuning. But the do sell for the increased price! I...
  10. Operaphile

    Kindly suggest me an IEM

    I think you've moved away from Shure but since you've mentioned them a couple times I wanted to chime in. I love Shures but I'd think they'd be all wrong for you. They have (I think) amazing sound but they're not a bassy iem. It sounds like you want a v-shaped sound sig and that's not Shure...
  11. Operaphile

    Westone 4R Acoustic Symmetry Vs Westone 4

    Maybe I'm crazy but I felt like there was an acoustic difference between the 4 and 4R, and not channel balance. Incidentally I liked the 4 better than the 4R. I was using the same source and tips. Could this have been a fluke in in if the sets? I'd like to think it wasn't just me so I'm...
  12. Operaphile

    Shure SE535: Reviews and First Impressions Thread

    Wait a second. People are saying they got theirs for $350, 400, 500 w cable .... Are we still talking about the Ltd's (Asian)? I want this deal!!!
  13. Operaphile

    Shure SE535: Reviews and First Impressions Thread

    Wow! I didn't realize that! I thought maybe Shure decided to sell them only through that vendor in Airports. I'm glad I didn't take that plunge, though I was unlikely to pay $549 for them. Thanks for the correction!
  14. Operaphile

    Shure SE535: Reviews and First Impressions Thread

    The question was asked if you could buy 535 Ltd's in the US. I've seen them in airports at the InMotion stores (Immotion? something)
  15. Operaphile

    Next OHIO meet

    I'll be OT until the end of April, so best for me is either the last week of April or even May works best for me.