Recent content by Anaru
  1. Anaru

    RE0 for $50, yay? nay?

    The housing on my RE0's broke within a week. Seems like they're pretty bad quality manufacturing.
  2. Anaru

    ISO: New headphones/headset ~$50.
  3. Anaru

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

  4. Anaru

    Are Audio Technica ATH-M50 good

    Yes. Yes they are.
  5. Anaru

    Nokia Lumia 920 - Does Music Sound Good Through This Smartphone?

    Mmm I switched from an iPhone 4 to the 920 and it sounds fine to me. It also has a equalizer which is nice as well.
  6. Anaru

    Any anime series that you've been enjoying?

    Anyone watching Mawaru Peinuindrum or No.6? So far these two are a couple of my favorites, though I'm feeling some yaoi vibes from No.6.
  7. Anaru

    Acronyms Explanation    or   The meanings themselves should be rather self-explanatory.
  8. Anaru

    Post your wallpaper!

    Well, since there is some Higurashi guess i'll post one of my favorites...