Recent content by 2116
  1. 2116

    Interest check: Vancouver Canada??

    i wouldn't mind... where u vancouverites buying your cans from!?
  2. 2116

    IGN review on D66 Eggos...

    Quote: Originally posted by nifu SuperBaldGuy: I can order the Sony MD-RD22SL Eggos from but I don't think it gives me an option to add an extension. If I just get the normal SL cord which you say is 13" - and i don't have a remote - will that be long enough for...
  3. 2116

    the V-xxx DJ Army strikes back :P

    Quote: Originally posted by Gluegun *goes off to download the video of the making of that picture* (yes, it exists, and yes, it shows boobies, and yes, I have seen that video... it's on that one headphone **** site...) aww man! i gotta see the rest of that!!!!!!!!
  4. 2116

    IGN review on D66 Eggos...

    yeah i've read everything on the D66 here...and if i had the money to get two cans i would get them as well. that SL cord is great for using my MD/MP3 players but i use headphones on the computer way more, so that SL cord is pretty much useless and the extension will leave way too much wire all...
  5. 2116

    IGN review on D66 Eggos...

    Quote: Originally posted by delenda est Sony The Eggos may be just dandy, but IGN are review whores who love maybe 95% of the cans they hear. Keeps the free demo models rolling in... At least they have no real credibility to besmirch! They even raved about those godawful RumbleFX...
  6. 2116

    IGN review on D66 Eggos...

    just in case u wanted to know... i'm not sure how credible the review is, as the guy from IGN was giving praise to the vcrapdj 700 and the IXOS 1001, but then again these cans might be great for gaming strictly (altho IMO a waste of money still). but there's some nice pix, and his review...
  7. 2116

    280 Pros in Canada??

    After MUCH deliberation, i've settled on these ones. I was going to pick up the Sony D66SL but the SL cord is too short, and the extension is too long. Thought about the V6's but the 280Pros are in my budget and they sound better. The only thing i was worried about, was the 280 pros having a...
  8. 2116

    I have the MDR-D22SL's - should I even think of upgrading to the D66SL's?

    okay i've been trolling here for a week now trying to figure out what set of cans i should buy. and i've basically settled on the D66 or the V6 i bought those horrid v600s, returned them the next day. then i ordered the v700dj's and waited 2 weeks, then returned them the next day. while i'm...