Closed: Vincent Pho 701 or Parks Audio Puffin/Waxwing or similar.
Listing ID: 56685 Views: 223
1.00 USD
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  1. North America
Hiya! Interested in one of the aforementioned (or another digital out) phono pre or even a well regarded ADC.

Happy to pay the right price or I have some HD800 in excellent condition I could trade. Also have a Schiit Jot 2 silver, MoFi StudioPhono, Ortofon Bronze, HarmonicDyne Zeus, Schiit Heresy, and a Cayin RU6 available if that's your speed.

Shoot me a message and what ya got!

Listed by: thaddeusflowe (8)
Listed: 2023-10-27
  • Puffin Review Phono Stage Preamplifier.jpg
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