Closed: LSA HP-2 (Kennerton)
Listing ID: 56522 Views: 308
475.00 USD
Or best offer
Ships to
  1. United States of America
I bought these second-hand here on Head-Fi back in March 2022, original listing here:

I held on to them for a while but they never really came into my regular rotation as the sound signature, while very detailed, was not really my flavor.

$475 includes shipping to continental US and PayPal fees.

Listed by: trellus (123)
Listed: 2023-10-24
Last edited: 2023-10-25
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500+ Head-Fier
At this price they're a steal, i have them and sincerely think it's one of those rare headphones that punch WAY higher than their own supposed value! GLWS


Headphoneus Supremus
Withdrawing for now until I get some other ears on these to make sure my pair represent the model as intended -- because a member reached out to me privately ready to buy, mentioning that he had intended to buy the TR-X00 but had heard the HP2 were similar but better -- and I ended up directly comparing these to my TH-X00 for the first time and was taken aback by how thin and squeezed the HP2 sounded in comparison and it made me wonder if my pair are an outlier or if these really sound as light and insubstantial as these do.