Sold: Audeze LCD-4z
Listing ID: 42622 Views: 4121
1,875.00 USD
Or best offer
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  1. United States of America
I acquired these wonderful hp’s in a trade recently. They are in perfect working order and in outstanding condition. They have a blemish on the connector that I didn’t notice until I looked hard. They have the new pads and were updated in 2021. They are the 2020 model. I can’t keep so many hp’s so they are for sale. I have including a very nice audio sensibility balanced cable in addition to the stock cable which I would include for an additional 200 dollars.

Lowered price making this quite a bargain I believe

sale pending!
Listed by: jlbrach (99)
Listed: 2023-02-28
Last edited: 2023-09-09
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Headphoneus Supremus
I concur but $1895 is less than half of retail for a mint headphone that also comes with a $400 silver cable. I think his price is more than fair. Someone who really wants this headphone and understands what a deal this is will come along. I say be patient and enjoy the headphone in the meantime. It will sell!!!! May the Schwartz be with you!


Headphoneus Supremus
Oh. I did not pay attention to the Silver Cable. In that case- I concur with you. The price is low...... Appropriate for the current market situation....


Headphoneus Supremus
If I had space I would buy it back. I am completely out of space and need to reduce by a headphone or two myself. It is such a wonderful headphone.


Headphoneus Supremus
I have been buying and selling HP’s for years now. Prices ebb and flow all the time. The 4z might well be going for 2k after I finally sell mine. I have seen this happen repeatedly. A HP is worth whatever somebody is willing to pay at the moment. These are outstanding and IMHO undervalued at the moment


I briefly owned another set of 4zs, and also owned Calderas. I'd loosely agree with the assessment that they get "85% of the way there" or so. They're solid cans - I found the fit a bit awkward (needed more padding, and the weight is distributed weirdly for my head personally), but on purely sound-related notes? Absolutely worth $1875 IMO. The bass texture is some of the best I've ever heard (maybe only Meze Elite, from my brief memory trying them in a store, came close), and they in general fill a rare and unique niche of "darkly-tuned, technically-proficient headphones".

Just went back through my DMs to check; I sold that set for $2k even in March. I'm shocked these aren't moving at a *lower* price, but I guess the world is in a bizarre economic condition right now all around...

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Headphoneus Supremus
I briefly owned another set of 4zs, and also owned Calderas. I'd loosely agree with the assessment that they get "85% of the way there" or so. They're solid cans - I found the fit a bit awkward (needed more padding, and the weight is distributed weirdly for my head personally), but on purely sound-related notes? Absolutely worth $1875 IMO. The bass texture is some of the best I've ever heard (maybe only Meze Elite, from my brief memory trying them in a store, came close), and they in general fill a rare and unique niche of "darkly-tuned, technically-proficient headphones".

Just went back through my DMs to check; I sold that set for $2k even in March. I'm shocked these aren't moving at a *lower* price, but I guess the world is in a bizarre economic condition right now all around...

My intention was NOT to say the 4Z gets 85% the way there- meaning 15% shy of the Cladera. I ment thay sound 85% similar in terms of sonic delivery. I believe the 4z is better and I owned both and comapred them daily for several months.. 4Z exceeds caldera in bass, is darker, more detail. Caldera exceeds 4Z in soundstage. Both are a smooth, full bodied, tonally saturated sound.. Both are physical (not so airy) headphones- but 4Z moreso...
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Headphoneus Supremus
My intention was NOT to say the 4Z gets 85% the way there- meaning 15% shy of the Cladera. I ment thay sound 85% similar in terms of sonic delivery. I believe the 4z is better and I owned both and comapred them daily for several months.. 4Z exceeds caldera in bass, is darker, more detail. Caldera exceeds 4Z in soundstage. Both are a smooth, full bodied, tonally saturated sound.. Both are physical (not so airy) headphones- but 4Z moreso...
Bingo! Audeze does better with tonal saturation than most and the 4z sits right up as one of the most tonally saturated and resolute headphones on the market. They may be easy to power, but give them proper power and all the tonal saturation turns into liquid gold. At Jon's price you have the best deal on head-fi. Insanity too me these haven't sold. That cable turns them into an absolute juggernaut.


Headphoneus Supremus
thank you my friend


100+ Head-Fier
Great price!


New Head-Fier
This market is pissing me off as I am trying to sell my Final D8000 Pro also with no luck. I would buy these but I had already owned LCD-3 Prefazor and only sold them because they were very heavy. Also, yeah, the newer brands releasing a new headphone every month has crashed the market. IMHO nothing new has dethroned the king that is Susvara that came out years ago now, yet people see new 2023 and flock to it. I do have a question though, why do the Z seem to hold less value than the normal LCD-4? And does the normal LCD-4 sound better than the LCD-3 Prefazor if I like warmth?
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