Sandy Hook Elementary
Dec 14, 2012 at 3:11 PM Post #2 of 14
I was going to post something here as well, this is one of the saddest days in recent memory and my hart goes out to all the families involved in this horrific tragedy.  How could someone go in a elementry school and shoot 5 year old kids I just don't understand.  I've had some tears run down my face watching this on the news and I never cry.
Dec 14, 2012 at 8:31 PM Post #4 of 14
I think as a community we all need to spare the victims and their families some considerable thought.  What they have and will endure will, for most of us, be unfathomable.  My heart breaks for them.  How are we ever going to forget this day when 20 kindergarten children were killed?  I think all of us will remember where we were and what we were doing when we heard about this awful tragedy.
Please take a moment to say prayers or think of those suffering so deeply.  I have on many occasions today.
Dec 14, 2012 at 8:33 PM Post #5 of 14
I was going to post something here as well, this is one of the saddest days in recent memory and my hart goes out to all the families involved in this horrific tragedy.  How could someone go in a elementry school and shoot 5 year old kids I just don't understand.  I've had some tears run down my face watching this on the news and I never cry.

You tears join those of the President of the United States and some of the most staid of reporters.  It's hard not to cry.
Dec 15, 2012 at 4:39 AM Post #6 of 14
Given recent events, I thought this video appropriate. Indeed, it really is a shame how appropriate it is, and how unheeded this message continues to be. Keep the victims and their friends and their families in your thoughts if it helps, and do what you can (even if it means not doing a thing) to protect and aid those who have lost so much recently--and consider ceasing to get your news from any outlet that breaks this video's 'rules.' This is all I'll say on the matter.
Dec 15, 2012 at 7:40 PM Post #7 of 14
What happened is in everyones eyes a terrible tragedy....mine also. But I must question if god is a benefull god...then why allow this to happen? There are 20  innocents that can't be explained away other than it was god's will?
Dec 16, 2012 at 12:54 AM Post #8 of 14
What happened is in everyones eyes a terrible tragedy....mine also. But I must question if god is a benefull god...then why allow this to happen? There are 20  innocents that can't be explained away other than it was god's will?

I was going to post something here too.. but saw this thread.  All due respect, tjohnusa, if your God is a benefull and predestined kind of God, then you're going to have a hard time answering that question for sure.  My belief is that the God I know gave us free will to choose our own path.  
I've been so wrapped up with figuring out what stupid headphone to get, what amp is best, what dac is better etc etc etc... yadda yadda yadda.
When I heard this news, I had to turn it off right away.  I have three kids and my oldest is in kindergarten.  Nobody told me that when you have kids you can't help but think of your own kids in that situation and just the thought of it is more than I can bear.  In the middle of listening to something, whatever, I just stopped and turned it all off.  Hobbies are fun and all... but your heart has to break for these people in these situations.  A lady that my wife works out with had her husband and all three kids killed in a plane that he was piloting last summer - same story.  It's heartbreaking and awe inspiring that these people find the strength to carry on.  God bless them. 
I do get riled though that even though these events are rare, nothing seems to change to plan for this type of situation.  No matter your political allegiance, I would think that everyone might be willing to come together to require at least a police officer (or so) in these institutions that have a large number of children in them.  We can't just stick our head in the sand and pretend that nothing will ever happen to us, but at least we can try to plan for a bad situation and do our best to minimize the tragedy in the future.
Dec 16, 2012 at 2:16 AM Post #9 of 14
What happened is in everyones eyes a terrible tragedy....mine also. But I must question if god is a benefull god...then why allow this to happen? There are 20  innocents that can't be explained away other than it was god's will?

Before questioning this supposed god on why He would allow this to happen, perhaps you should first try to find out how people who do this sort of stuff think.
Dec 16, 2012 at 10:29 AM Post #10 of 14
This is known as 'the problem of evil' in philosophical circles--and it has been debated in one form or another for centuries. I think it is perhaps one of the single most important questions that people can struggle with--and it is one of those questions that I hope everyone finds their own answer for, without relying on others to tell them what it is.
What happened is in everyones eyes a terrible tragedy....mine also. But I must question if god is a benefull god...then why allow this to happen? There are 20  innocents that can't be explained away other than it was god's will?

Dec 16, 2012 at 10:42 AM Post #11 of 14
Before questioning this supposed god on why He would allow this to happen, perhaps you should first try to find out how people who do this sort of stuff think.

That might be helpful for trying to treat the millions of people with these kinds of problems, but people who have schizophrenic family memebers often tear themselves up trying to understand why they see things.. hear voices.. etc.  Trying to rationalize irrational behavior is a futile and destructive process for us regular folks.  That's why we have therapists and medications to try to help these people before the wrong set of circumstances all come together.  
I am much more interested in figuring out an action plan that our teachers can carry out the next time something like this happens.  Hopeful thinking is not acceptable. 
Dec 16, 2012 at 4:39 PM Post #12 of 14
I’m a little uneasy making a comment on this tragedy... hopefully it doesn't come out wrong.

it seems to me pretty obvious that this was done as some form of revenge... he wanted to hurt Newtown's community. that’s why he did what he did.
as far as we know Adam Lanza was developmentally disabled (had Asperger syndrome, autism, or something), but one of his mate also described him as a smart guy... even a genius.  I’m not psychiatric, but I doubt he woke up one morning and decided to go shooting his mother and some innocent children. I think there must have been some issues, or maybe resentments (probably to do with his disability), that had been brewing for a few years.
so, anyone who's questioning God... or simply blaming a disability for this terrible tragedy... perhaps we all should look deeper at the cause, and maybe consider that we all have a small part in it. ...just saying
Dec 17, 2012 at 7:16 PM Post #13 of 14
My daughter graduated two years ago from the university of Manitoba with a doube bass jazz degree. She studied under Jimmy Greene who lost his precious daughter Anna in this trajedy. The last time my daughter talked to Anna (she was there alot) she told  my daughter that she wanted to be a bassist too. We are very sad!
Dec 19, 2012 at 6:29 PM Post #14 of 14
As little children and school staff are buried each day, please let's not forget those who grieve and are so heartbroken. I hope the sacrifice of 20 children and six adults makes significant changes to guns and mental health issues in the U.S..  What a terrible waste it would be if it did not.

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