ZMF Atrium Closed
Mar 4, 2024 at 11:13 AM Post #2,896 of 3,270
LCD5 has significantly different sound signature compared to Atrium Closed. LCD5 is much more mid-centric with intimate character. Decay is shorter, faster with LCD5, but attack of notes also softer compared to Atrium Closed. LCD5 provide more detail and information overall, but in so different way than AC that I can udnerstand if some people will easily prefer AC than LCD5.

If you need a close back headphone that more similar to LCD5's sound character, look at Dan Clark E3 (I like E3 more than LCD5 btw).
The thing is, I’m considering doing a 180º as far as sound signature goes. But I really value instrument separation, the ability to handle busy passages and subbass. How do you think the AC performs in those aspects?
Mar 4, 2024 at 11:19 AM Post #2,897 of 3,270
The thing is, I’m considering doing a 180º as far as sound signature goes. But I really value instrument separation, the ability to handle busy passages and subbass. How do you think the AC performs in those aspects?
My vote would be to wait for Caldera Closed :)

Edit: Of ZMF's current closed backs, Atrium Closed is the one for sub-bass but its driver isn't as quick as the Verite Closed, which I think would be better for resolving busy passages. Atrium Closed definitely wouldn't be a slouch in that regard either though. It's just hard to know how you'd feel about it after coming from a TOTL planar that's meant to be really resolving. LCD5 has very forward upper mids. Upper mids on the Atrium Closed are more forward than Verite Closed so it might be a bit closer to the tonality you're used to but it still won't be as forward. I think Caldera Closed will probably provide a good balance of everything you're looking for though
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Mar 4, 2024 at 12:09 PM Post #2,898 of 3,270
The thing is, I’m considering doing a 180º as far as sound signature goes. But I really value instrument separation, the ability to handle busy passages and subbass. How do you think the AC performs in those aspects?

In ZMF world, I think ZMF Verite Closed may suit you better. Atrium Closed has good separation and sub bass performance, but on this two matters, Verite Closed is a little bit better.
Mar 4, 2024 at 12:52 PM Post #2,899 of 3,270
My vote would be to wait for Caldera Closed :)

Edit: Of ZMF's current closed backs, Atrium Closed is the one for sub-bass but its driver isn't as quick as the Verite Closed, which I think would be better for resolving busy passages. Atrium Closed definitely wouldn't be a slouch in that regard either though.
As an AC/VC owner I completely agree with the above. 👍👍
Mar 4, 2024 at 1:39 PM Post #2,900 of 3,270
But I really value instrument separation, the ability to handle busy passages and subbass. How do you think the AC performs in those aspects?
I too agree that the VC has faster transient response, and by default, I assume the Caldera closed witll be faster yet than both, but that's just a semi educated guess.
If you're hellbent on the Atrium closed ( my 2nd fav ZMF, BTW) I would suggest picking up a pair in a harder wood type or a resin/ stabilized version.

I have a hard and a soft wood AC here and the harder version is def snappier wiith a bit more energy in the upper regions.
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Mar 4, 2024 at 1:48 PM Post #2,901 of 3,270
I too agree that the VC has faster transient response, and by default, I assume the Caldera closed witll be yet faster than both, but that's just a semi eduacated guess.
If you're hellbent on the Atrium closed ( my 2nd fav ZMF, BTW) I would suggest picking up a pair in a harder wood type or a resin/ stabilized version.

I have a hard and a soft wood AC here and the harder version is def snappier wiith a bit more energy in the upper regions.

I have a harder AC (resin) and while the VC is definitely faster I feel like the AC has no problem rendering busy/complex passages. I would not characterize it as slow. They are close enough I find myself reaching for the AC most days. The VC is more of a “mood”, while I consider the AC the perfect daily driver.

edit: I did notice some congestion on the AC with BF2/64 DAC and the NITSCH DSHA-3FN. However since changing to the Yggy+ MIB that completely went away. My hypothesis is that the AC’s ability to resolve clearly through complex passages may be influenced by how transparent the DAC is. The BF2/64 sounded great with the VC but was a bit too thick/colored with the AC. So synergy with the rest of your chain may be something to consider.
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Mar 4, 2024 at 2:24 PM Post #2,903 of 3,270
And out of all the ZMF closed backs, the VC have the best soundstage, right?
That's up for discussion. Zach and I hear the AC as being larger, while others hear the VC as being at the top of the staging heap.

I haven't heard the Caldera Closed yet
Mar 5, 2024 at 4:36 AM Post #2,904 of 3,270
That's up for discussion. Zach and I hear the AC as being larger, while others hear the VC as being at the top of the staging heap.

I haven't heard the Caldera Closed yet

I'm with Zach and @Monsterzero, I perceive the AC to have wider soundstage than VC when I auditioned them both.

Chose the AC in the end :)
Mar 10, 2024 at 1:32 PM Post #2,906 of 3,270
Grabbed this beauty at canjam NYC this morning! Black and white ebony is just so beautiful!

Mar 10, 2024 at 8:19 PM Post #2,908 of 3,270
Back home from CanJam NY with an AC in mango wood! Just too beautiful to resist the temptation.1000002889.jpg
I knew I should have stayed away from this thread during NY CanJam till my Queensland Maple comes in.

I also need to stop watching the ZMF Spring LTD announcement video on YT.

I'm just driving myself up the wall waiting for them to come in, but I'm like a deer in headlights. Just can't stop myself.
Mar 10, 2024 at 8:37 PM Post #2,909 of 3,270
That's up for discussion. Zach and I hear the AC as being larger, while others hear the VC as being at the top of the staging heap.

I haven't heard the Caldera Closed yet
Agreed. I find the AC to be more spacious, but I give the edge to the VC regarding imaging. The holography in the VO & VC is something else.
Mar 11, 2024 at 10:21 AM Post #2,910 of 3,270

I have a harder AC (resin) and while the VC is definitely faster I feel like the AC has no problem rendering busy/complex passages. I would not characterize it as slow. They are close enough I find myself reaching for the AC most days. The VC is more of a “mood”, while I consider the AC the perfect daily driver.

edit: I did notice some congestion on the AC with BF2/64 DAC and the NITSCH DSHA-3FN. However since changing to the Yggy+ MIB that completely went away. My hypothesis is that the AC’s ability to resolve clearly through complex passages may be influenced by how transparent the DAC is. The BF2/64 sounded great with the VC but was a bit too thick/colored with the AC. So synergy with the rest of your chain may be something to consider.
I also agree on AC can scale on a better DAC, I'm using a Lampizator Big7 and even with complex passages either on classical or fusion jazz, the AC handled it very well.

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