your favorite movie that no one's ever heard of
Sep 19, 2003 at 12:31 AM Post #136 of 147

Originally posted by RickG
Another such film is "Johnny Got His Gun" directed by Dalton Trumbo. Good luck trying to find a copy of this movie, but if you see'll never be the same again.

Amazon (click pic) has it in VHS only. They've got 13 new/used for sale. Some great actors in this one. [Will] keep searching for a dvd version.

Sep 24, 2003 at 11:55 PM Post #137 of 147

The best asain action movie I have ever seen.
Stars Jet Li and a bunch of other people I have never heard of!

Actually it has Zhang Ziyi in it also who is in Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon.

It was only released in Hong Kong.


And yes it does have english subtitles. There are several copies on ebay if you are interested.

Sep 25, 2003 at 12:22 AM Post #138 of 147
Delicatessen (Jeunet et Caro, same as City of Lost Children) is not yet released on region 1 DVD but is available as region 2 from and other places. A much more accessible film than City but still with the trademark grotesquery and in my opinion more interesting characters.

Withnail and I - a great film. Don't be fooled by the misleading VHS liner notes, try to get the Criterion DVD. Richard Griffiths, Paul McGann (was the last Dr. Who) and Richard E. Grant. What a shame Grant never got to do a film version of Hamlet. Also see him in "How to Get Ahead in Advertising", again a Criterion release.

Sadly unavailable on DVD now are the Monsieur Hulot films. They were available on Criterion but were discontinued over some copyright issue and now fetch up to $400 per DVD. If you get the chance to see the man to whom Rowan Atkinson owes nearly everything, watch. If you ever see a Criterion release of anything by Jacques Tati on a retail shelf then buy it, it's probably worth its weight in gold - or more.
Sep 25, 2003 at 1:20 PM Post #139 of 147

Originally posted by Sugano-san
Being There with Peter Sellers.

I really liked this one.

This thread has given me a whole list of movies to look for. I need to go through it and write them down as I can never remember a title when I need to.
Sep 25, 2003 at 9:43 PM Post #142 of 147
Didn't seem to make it big at the bo, but if you have not seen it go out and rent it right now. Hilarious stuff. Mark Wahlberg, L.D. Phillips, Elliot Gould, mmmmmmmmmm...Christina Applegate, and China Chow (hot!).

Sep 25, 2003 at 9:48 PM Post #143 of 147
A couple:

* Strange Days (1995, great acting, cool premillenial sci-fi story written by James Cameron and directed by his wife!)
* The Thing (1982) -- all around awesome, one of the all-time better horror movies
* Dracula (1979 w/Frank Langella) -- better in some ways than the one with Gary Oldman
* Jacob's Ladder (1990 thriller/horror, amazing movie)

None of these are unknown, but perhaps they aren't as widely appreciated as they could be (imo).
Sep 26, 2003 at 2:20 AM Post #146 of 147

Originally posted by RickG
Another such film is "Johnny Got His Gun" directed by Dalton Trumbo. Good luck trying to find a copy of this movie, but if you see'll never be the same again.

Is this the movie Metallica used in their filmclip for One? If yes, then yes, I can see how this movie would affect you.
Sep 26, 2003 at 2:22 AM Post #147 of 147

Originally posted by aeberbach
Withnail and I - a great film. Don't be fooled by the misleading VHS liner notes, try to get the Criterion DVD. Richard Griffiths, Paul McGann (was the last Dr. Who) and Richard E. Grant. What a shame Grant never got to do a film version of Hamlet. Also see him in "How to Get Ahead in Advertising", again a Criterion release.

This film is a riot. I particularly enjoy the confrontation in the rural pub involving eels
I have not seen the DVD release though - is there anything extra that is worthwhile?

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