Yamaha YH-5000SE — a flagship from an orthodynamic headphones veteran!
Sep 16, 2023 at 7:37 PM Post #1,247 of 1,587
if you can make a grand piano and a racing motorcycle, you can make a headphone. : )
They made one back in 1977. Pure orthodynamic pleasure for $65. After my KOSS HV-1A, it was like taking a pebble out of my shoe. Still have two pairs.
Sep 17, 2023 at 12:26 AM Post #1,248 of 1,587
He’s got a great attitude and on top of that he’s such a nice man.
Very humble about what he has and enthusiastically shares his thoughts and feelings fairly. Check out his reel to reel videos and his E-Stat videos. It is amazing
with regard to his review of the yh-5000se, i could relate to his sound impressions but not to its price to weight ratio. :wink: a lightweight, comfortable totl headphone is worth its weight in gold to me.
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Sep 17, 2023 at 9:53 AM Post #1,249 of 1,587

I've just ordered and waiting for Abyss Diana V2 to come. I was considering them and D8000, and ultimately, I didn't choose Final. I had a terrific deal for Diana V2. At least for Europe, when you consider taxes and everything from the US.

What does that have to do with Yamaha? Oh, it does it does, because I LOOOVE Yamaha :) I am generally a fan of Yamaha as a brand and logo! Visuals are essential to me in life; that is what I do. And music is something that I am addicted to.

By the way, it's not unimportant to say that Valentino Rossi was a Yamaha person :)

I just ordered new cans and swooned over the new Yamaha. I saw when they were released, but I didn't spend too much time exploring because I saw the price, which was much more than I could invest. But they really, really look good!

So, the funny thing is that just when I spent the money for Diana, almost instantly, Yamaha caught my attention. I read the thread from the beginning and wish you all a good time enjoying them!

Yamaha made visually unique and beautiful cans. And from what I read, sonically too! The materials they have chosen and the story behind them are worth admiring, too.
I will continue to follow the thread and enjoy the new Yamaha!

P.S. One thing. I saw that video where the guy had a sound demo of Yamaha, D8000 and Dan Clark. I think that's silly, but this is the first time I have seen the demonstrator warn that the video can't show how cans sound; it's just an impression of how different they can be. Also, he mentioned imagining that they run to us through filters (our speakers or cans). So it's not worth bashing the guy because he already said that himself. :)

But my question and confusion is - as much as we can't hear their actual sound, we can get an impression of differences. And I had the impression that Yamaha has a much richer sound than the other two. I think the bass of Yamaha is richer, just like the overall sound compared to the other two.

And if D8000 caught my attention because of the bass, I instantly thought, ok, that's in the past; there is a new contender for the bass thing!

That was my impression, and when I read this thread, people mentioned everything opposite, that D8000 still has a more pronounced bass. I am now confused. I wish I could audition cans, but I can't; most of them there where I live. I got almost all cans without auditioning except HD800S and HD820 because there is an official distributor in the city.

Soon, there's a hi-fi fair in my city, but I doubt they will have Yamaha.

I will look closely at the thread...and one day, who knows? Or, Yamaha will make the new 5000 but closed, which would be perfect because I am still looking for the ideal closed-back headphones. :)

Cheers to all fans!
Sep 17, 2023 at 1:48 PM Post #1,250 of 1,587
I am unsure how many of you are Roon users, but I am working on parametric EQ settings for the YH-5000se headphones for Roon ARC and Roon Server. I will share them when they are complete. I am not a big fan of EQ; however, Roon’s implementation is pretty damn good.

Alternatively, a synergistic tube amp with the YH5Kse does precisely what I like but better with the headphones, which is to smooth the upper mids/treble some and add a bit more bass presence, which makes the overall signature better for my preferences with some tracks may be poorly recorded or that have a focus on vocals and may benefit from a bit smoother/warmer vocal presentation.

With Jazz, Electronica, ambient, techno, orchestral, fusion, and classical, the signature of the YHK5se is pretty spot-on by itself. I hope you all have a great weekend!

Another cool thing about these headphones is the ability to swap the pads for a bit different flavor with a bit warmer, more relaxed signature when compared to the more neutral, spacious, and faster-sounding leather pads.

This can be helpful when listening on more neutral sounding solid-state gear or for some recordings that are not always recorded optimally or if you feel like a bit different sonic listening experience.

I am listening to Kitaro and Yosi Horikawa right now off the Hugo 2 pretty epic.
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The Source AV TSAVJason Stay updated on The Source AV at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
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Sep 17, 2023 at 2:08 PM Post #1,252 of 1,587
I am unsure how many of you are Roon users, but I am working on parametric EQ settings for the YH-5000se headphones for Roon ARC and Roon Server. I will share them when they are complete. I am not a big fan of EQ; however, Roon’s implementation is pretty damn good.

Alternatively, a synergistic tube amp with the YH5Kse does precisely what I like but better with the headphones, which is to smooth the upper mids/treble some and add a bit more bass presence, which makes the overall signature better for my preferences with some tracks may be poorly recorded or that have a focus on vocals and may benefit from a bit smoother/warmer vocal presentation.

With Jazz, Electronica, ambient, techno, orchestral, fusion, and classical, the signature of the YHK5se is pretty spot-on by itself. I hope you all have a great weekend!
It's funny that you are making parametric EQ but you are still saying that you are not a fan of EQ. I think it's about time to get rid of the cliché audiophile prejudices :wink:
Sep 17, 2023 at 3:06 PM Post #1,253 of 1,587
It's funny that you are making parametric EQ but you are still saying that you are not a fan of EQ. I think it's about time to get rid of the cliché audiophile prejudices :wink:
I am not prejudiced about EQ at all; what I meant is I prefer synergy through tube amps but listening last night via my Hugo 2 and reading some of the issues people have brought up about the headphones for their preferences I thought I would do the community a solid and play with Roon EQ for those that don’t own a synergistic tube amp. 🤩
The Source AV TSAVJason Stay updated on The Source AV at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
https://www.facebook.com./pages/The-Source-AV-Design-Group/153623164648713 http://www.twitter.com/TheSourceAV http://www.instagram.com/Thesourceavdesign http://thesourceav.com/ Products@TheSourceAV.com
Sep 17, 2023 at 3:47 PM Post #1,254 of 1,587
I am not prejudiced about EQ at all; what I meant is I prefer synergy through tube amps but listening last night via my Hugo 2 and reading some of the issues people have brought up about the headphones for their preferences I thought I would do the community a solid and play with Roon EQ for those that don’t own a synergistic tube amp. 🤩
Fair enough. For me, EQ is the easier & cheaper way to correct the issues in a HP. That way you could still use your prefered DAC & AMP pairing, but to each their own.
Sep 26, 2023 at 9:29 PM Post #1,255 of 1,587
With my new YAMAHA YH-5000SE there is space in the connection on the right side between the ear cup and the headband. See the red circle in the photo.
Is this normal and is this happening more often? This is not the case on the left side.
Is this a reason to return the YAMAHA YH-5000SE?
Contact Yamaha and they'll get it fixed by replacing what's inside the hinge cap. It can be a problem in the long run, these are happening on some earlier units, later units have been fixed so no need to worry about that. One could probably tighten it by themselves but without the right tools, it may be risky.
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Oct 1, 2023 at 1:23 AM Post #1,257 of 1,587
I recently took the plunge and picked up the Yamaha YH5000SE. I hope my initial impressions might be of some interest to others here.

My system comprises a Marantz SA10 digital player on balanced analogue interconnects to a Moon 430HA headphone amp. I listen to classical music on CDs, SACDs and USB drives plugged into the SA10. I don’t network. My other phones are the Sennheiser HD800S and the AKG K812. Generally, planar magnetic and electrostatic phones don’t appeal to me – I’ve owned the Stax SR-009S, Susvara and Elite among others.

At the most general level, I must say these phones are the most intriguing thing I’ve come across in a long time. I would speculate that Yamaha really has attempted to engineer a novel sound that it regards as ‘natural’ – and I find it quite striking. It’s not the diffuse-field tuning that I'm used to – I don’t know what it is. There’s great extension low and high – with real presence at both ends – but a more recessed mid-treble presence-band than I expect in satisfying phones. That said, to my ear the general presentation has the soft, textured weight of live acoustic instruments. It avoids the strident intensity that can accompany replay with diffuse or free-field tuning – but somehow retains at least some of the delineation and dynamic shading that I have assumed depends on a more prominent presence-band. I am guessing the planar diaphragm is good with impulse response; and seems to avoid too much audible resonance. I find instruments have ‘real’ body without being too large, or ponderous. To my ear timbre can be reasonable; there can be ‘air’ and space when appropriate - although performance doesn't really seem predictable here. While it doesn’t have the starker space and separation of the HD800S or K812, I’m not sure yet this is a problem. Imaging can be good - the performance space can apparently be appropriate to the recording - but, once again, things seem a bit inconsistent.

Orchestral music has tremendous weight, and solo instruments are not unduly spot-lit. I don't hear the common planar mid-bass bloat - although there's a thickness about the tone which might come close on occasion. Chamber music has texture in some cases – pianos in particular are in some cases as close to real as I have heard. Period instruments – eg, forte pianos, violins strung with gut – have the warmth one encounters live, rather than the thinner tone that often emerges with modern recordings.

I’m yet to decide whether the Yamaha really will compete with my long-term favourites (or change my thinking more generally), but they really are intriguing.
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Oct 1, 2023 at 1:42 AM Post #1,258 of 1,587
interesting - i found that the hifiman susvara gave me a more 'natural' listening experience than the yh5000se. the susvara made a profound impression on me, whereas i didn't quite know what to make of the yh5000se's sound signature. i should declare that i liked the meze elite and wasn't a fan of the hd8000s or the akg812. i am considering giving the yh5000se another go, however.
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Oct 1, 2023 at 2:04 AM Post #1,259 of 1,587
I think the Elite is excellent - just not quite as satisfying as the HD800S or K812. I found it the most 'dynamic' of the planars I've heard - I could certainly live with it w/o complaint. The Susvara is also excellent of course - just not so much to my taste. Everyone seems to have a view about amping - but I couldn't achieve the same 'natural' balance I can with other phones - very subjective, I know - but I guess that's what counts at this level.

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