Yamaha EPH-100
Aug 31, 2014 at 11:45 PM Post #4,112 of 4,690
I bought mine from this website about 2 years ago, no problem so far they are legit.

Awesome! I already placed an order and hoping they'll ship it out quickly. Can't wait!

Btw does this earphone sound good without a good amp/DAC? Because I'm actually planning to get a new DAC/amp to be used with my laptop primarily as the current one hisses too much. I'm looking at the soundblaster E1. Or I might not lol
Sep 2, 2014 at 1:08 PM Post #4,114 of 4,690
Amping isn't really beneficial to these IEMs, on desktop it's fine I guess but portable the space/cost/battery costs aren't worth it IMO. If you're listening to good quality recordings in a relatively quiet environment and already own an amp/DAC then go for it but on a portable setup if you don't already have an amp don't buy one just for these. 
Sep 2, 2014 at 5:23 PM Post #4,115 of 4,690
First of all, thanks to everyone who posted a message on this thread, it was very helpful for me. I eventually purchased this IEM and I would like to add my few cents:
I really like the sound signature of this model. Your reports helped me to choose exactly this particular IEM, because I just felt I would love this special sound signature and I really do. So thanks again to all of ya !
I do not have much experience with other IEMs. In fact, I owned only one decent IEM prior to Yamaha EPH-100 - it was SoundMagic ES18. While I still think it is a very respectable IEM (especially for the price), Yamaha takes it  to a whole ´nother level. In my opinion, the best strenghts of the EPH-100 are:  excellent bass, smooth midrange and non- fatiguing treble. I am as well impressed with instrument separation and soundstage . Isolation is great. Cable and construction are solid. The sound is simply tremendous with my iBasso DX90 (and keeps on improving with burn in of both newly acquired units).
I have no complains regarding sound quality. For me there is only one concern with this IEM. To be honest, I think EPH-100 does not handle moisture well. After some listening session (not too long one - approximately 1 hour ) there appears moisture which may indeed become harmful if you do not clear it (dry it) right away. In my first listening session I was literally so captivated by the sound, I didn´t pay attention to what might be going on regarding to the moisture. But when the left side went deaf after cca 120 minutes of constant listening at the very first day, it dawned on me,  it could be that unfamous problem with the condensation (which has been vastly discussed on this thread some pages ago). Luckily for me, after immediate clearance, it came back to life flawlessly. After few days I had a similar issue with the right side.  After this experience I decided to take better care of moisture whenever I was listening for longer periods.  For precautionary reasons i usually listen constantly only for 45-60 mins max , then i take a short break, clean the slightest hints of moisture and then I listen again. Since giving it such "treatment", i have not experienced any issues...
I do not want to discourage any potential buyer, but i felt my experience was worth to mention here. Nevertheless some people remarked they use  EPH-100 extensively at gym or jogging for hours without ANY problem. Others (like ich1ban for instance) reported recurring of this problem...  I know a lot of people do not want to bother with cleaning the phones every hour, but i really think it can prolong the durabilty of this special IEM. Of course, I´ve been using Yamaha EPH-100 for only about two weeks, so only time will tell...
Best regards from Slovakia, new member of head-fi community, Martin
Sep 2, 2014 at 11:03 PM Post #4,116 of 4,690
  First of all, thanks to everyone who posted a message on this thread, it was very helpful for me. I eventually purchased this IEM and I would like to add my few cents:
I really like the sound signature of this model. Your reports helped me to choose exactly this particular IEM, because I just felt I would love this special sound signature and I really do. So thanks again to all of ya !
I do not have much experience with other IEMs. In fact, I owned only one decent IEM prior to Yamaha EPH-100 - it was SoundMagic ES18. While I still think it is a very respectable IEM (especially for the price), Yamaha takes it  to a whole ´nother level. In my opinion, the best strenghts of the EPH-100 are:  excellent bass, smooth midrange and non- fatiguing treble. I am as well impressed with instrument separation and soundstage . Isolation is great. Cable and construction are solid. The sound is simply tremendous with my iBasso DX90 (and keeps on improving with burn in of both newly acquired units).
I have no complains regarding sound quality. For me there is only one concern with this IEM. To be honest, I think EPH-100 does not handle moisture well. After some listening session (not too long one - approximately 1 hour ) there appears moisture which may indeed become harmful if you do not clear it (dry it) right away. In my first listening session I was literally so captivated by the sound, I didn´t pay attention to what might be going on regarding to the moisture. But when the left side went deaf after cca 120 minutes of constant listening at the very first day, it dawned on me,  it could be that unfamous problem with the condensation (which has been vastly discussed on this thread some pages ago). Luckily for me, after immediate clearance, it came back to life flawlessly. After few days I had a similar issue with the right side.  After this experience I decided to take better care of moisture whenever I was listening for longer periods.  For precautionary reasons i usually listen constantly only for 45-60 mins max , then i take a short break, clean the slightest hints of moisture and then I listen again. Since giving it such "treatment", i have not experienced any issues...
I do not want to discourage any potential buyer, but i felt my experience was worth to mention here. Nevertheless some people remarked they use  EPH-100 extensively at gym or jogging for hours without ANY problem. Others (like ich1ban for instance) reported recurring of this problem...  I know a lot of people do not want to bother with cleaning the phones every hour, but i really think it can prolong the durabilty of this special IEM. Of course, I´ve been using Yamaha EPH-100 for only about two weeks, so only time will tell...
Best regards from Slovakia, new member of head-fi community, Martin

Thanks for the advise! I'll definitely be careful with moisture.
Still waiting for my EPH-100 to arrive. Apparently it's in transit, it was shipped out yesterday but until now, it's not here yet. And I paid 10 dollars for shipping!

Sep 13, 2014 at 10:31 PM Post #4,118 of 4,690
100% impossible to tell. No pictures of the actual item. Price is expensive, even for authentic...
  Hi,original or fake?

Sep 17, 2014 at 4:15 AM Post #4,119 of 4,690
First time posting on this thread, but I've been watching this thread for over a year now. I truly love this IEM so much. So much so that when my right sided driver gave out, I bought another pair. Warranty was over (just by a few days), so I had no choice.
Anyway, the new pair I got have the mentioned softer tips. At first I thought that it could be fake since the tips really felt much softer and probably of lower quality than the tips I got from the first pair. Otherwise, the housing of the drivers, cable, and pouch are exactly the same. So I gave them some listening and it reminded me of the sound I first heard when I got the first pair. Made me realize how much the first pair had changed after all the hours of burning-in.
So although the tips may look and feel flimsy, I don't think it's enough an indicator that they are fake. As long as the markings of the Yamaha logo on the housing are etched in, I think it's safe to say that they are legitimate. I think the reason why they made the tips softer is due to the complaints that people first made on how hard and uncomfortable the original tips were. I prefer the original firmer tips as they fit me just nice, so I'm reusing the old tips. 

Sep 25, 2014 at 9:21 AM Post #4,121 of 4,690
Anyone know where I can get replacement tips.

Mine have finally given up.

You can't buy them mate, not the Yamaha EPH-100 tips. I remember members going as far to contact Yamaha and they couldn't even provide. Not sure what you'll do in this situation, start searching for alternative in the threads here, I know some members are using some other tips.

As for the official EPH tip, no can do.
Sep 27, 2014 at 3:33 PM Post #4,123 of 4,690
I know the ones on the JVC FXD80 fit, and lostearbuds foam tips off eBay work too.
Oct 6, 2014 at 6:06 AM Post #4,124 of 4,690
Hi all, 
If you had to choose between the Shure SE215LTD's or the Yamaha EPH-100's  for a wide genre of music which ones would you choose and why? 
Eljo.com.au is offering them for me for a special price of AU$85.99.
I currently own the SE215LTD's and they've treated me reasonably well however the fit has always been a "hit or miss" for me. I have slightly smaller than average sized ears (the Sennhesier momentums fit my ears nicely) which makes it a bit of a process to put them on.
Let's say, If someone is trying to get my attention and it results in me having to take them out of my ears and then back on once we've finished talking my ears tend to not like the rubbing sensation of the earphones getting in contact with the inner part my earlobes when installing them.
Lastly, I think anyone would agree that the isolation of the SE215's is nothing short of exceptional. However I don't think it's all a good thing. With my experiences with the SE215's I've found that whenever I'm wearing them there has to be something playing at all times because wearing them with pure silence for a short period of time or temporally pausing the music can make my ears quite fatigued just buy the pressure it builds up inside of my ears.
I absolutely think that the Shure's are a "best for your buck" pair of earphones however I've found that it's not a pair of earphones that I would wear for long periods of time which is why I've gradually started to steer away from using them..It's going to be hard to say goodbye to them if I decide to buy something to replace them.
Oct 11, 2014 at 9:33 PM Post #4,125 of 4,690
If anyone is interested on how I was able to get the offer of $85.99 from Eljo.com.au.
I pretty much told them that catchoftheday.com.au sold the EPH-100's for $79.99. They replied saying that we can't offer the EPH-100's for that price however we can offer these for a special price of $85.99 including free shipping (to only Australian metropolitan areas) or alternatively a little delivery fee of $3.96 which would bring the cost to $89.95.

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