Xiaomi In-Ear Headphones Pro HD (2 +1 Hybrid)
Dec 3, 2016 at 5:22 AM Post #106 of 888
I think HiFiChris nailed it. What I was trying to say in my earlier initial impression is that the new Hybrid Pro sounded incoherent, uneven with spikes at certain frequencies and altogether strange. Another poster before this also mentoned something about crashing cymbals sounding weird...I'm hearing that as well.
As @HiFiChris mentioned, it could be a phase shift issue, a fit issue or since I'm a newbie in all this I'm hesitant to put this out but maybe since these have BA's in them perhaps it's a 'crossover' issue as well?
I've used them consistently for at least an hour everyday since posting my initial impressions, up to a few days ago. During that time, I've switched to knockoff Comply foam tips from AliE and also 'starline' KZ premium silicone tips. The foams made these sound better, still on the fence about the KZ tips though.
Oh, and someone said something about the remote buttons not working on his Macbook. It was never meant to, lol. The Macbook is an OSX device, not iOS/Android as what the Hybrid Pro is intended for.
Dec 3, 2016 at 5:22 AM Post #107 of 888
Well when I'm walking I'm normally listening to audio podcasts so the treble issue isn't a problem. If I'm sitting down and listening to music then I seat them in properly.
As for your coherent issue, why would it be fixed by flipping them around? That would just be swapping L R channels, the phase shift (if true) would still exist?
The only difference is with the flip you can seat them in further into your ears, which indicates that it's still a fit issue?
Indeed these are still V shaped, just less V shaped than the gen 4 hybrids.  What I like about them is the wide sound stage, much wider than any budget IEMs I've had before (including the Klipsch S4i).  There's an audio test app in Google Play store, the virtual barber shop demo is super fun on these gen 5s!
Dec 3, 2016 at 5:33 AM Post #108 of 888
  As for your coherent issue, why would it be fixed by flipping them around? That would just be swapping L R channels, the phase shift (if true) would still exist?
The only difference is with the flip you can seat them in further into your ears, which indicates that it's still a fit issue?

Due to the deeper insertion, the phase might be corrected, that's what I'm thinking. As I said, I've got the same seal with regular and deeper insertion, and the same goes for the thunderous bass quantity.

Anyway, in my ears at least, they were not usable with normal insertion depth but became quite solid with the deeper insertion.
Dec 3, 2016 at 6:02 AM Post #109 of 888
anyone else tried this directly from mi dot com now that they are directly available in usa? how are these compared to bose ie2  or shure se215/425. i know they are really not comparable due to price point, but they have one driver extra then all these and thus wondering if that is it worth taking these and losing volume functionality or not.
Dec 3, 2016 at 2:35 PM Post #110 of 888
These IEMs need EQing anyways. Now I am playing some powerful psytrance electronic music thru itunes and I've set up the equalizer to:

But still, there is some sibilance in highs...
Dec 3, 2016 at 8:31 PM Post #111 of 888
if this thread is about the Mi In-Ear Headphones Pro HD, why ar eso many people ordering and reviewing the Mi In-Ear Headphones Pro (no HD), that are older and cheaper? those Mi In-Ear Headphones Pro at 25bucks on gearbest are the old ones, not the HD, and from what i could tell, aliexpress is not selling the HDs so plz keep your reviews to the HDs
Dec 3, 2016 at 8:45 PM Post #112 of 888
@aclup3 what are these: http://www.gearbest.com/earbud-headphones/pp_566702.html Pro HD or old Pro???
Dec 3, 2016 at 8:58 PM Post #113 of 888
those are the Pro's non HD. the name of the product doenst have HD neither the first image of the product description. in the xiaomi site, the same image has an HD after the PRO
But there's nothing like cheking that QR code that the headphones have near the jack
Dec 3, 2016 at 9:13 PM Post #115 of 888

oh thats probably the problem. when i go to the official xiaomi website, i can see 2 products, the Mi In-Ear Headphones Pro and the Mi In-Ear Headphones Pro HD..  but at the gearbest video, they say that their headphones are the HD. My bad and sorry for the rudeness
we can check it in the specs as the old ones sensitivity reach 101db and the new ones (the HD's) reach 98db
Dec 3, 2016 at 11:46 PM Post #116 of 888
Naming convention is terrible with this one. The best way to differentiate between the older Mi hybrids and the latest ones is by the buttons on the mic/remote. The latest one have 3 discrete & distinct buttons.
I think at this point it would be good if we can find out where everyone got their latest Mi hybrids from. Since everyone that's less than impressed with them seems to have bought them from Gearbest/Ali and the ones that like them seem to have gotten them directly from Xiaomi store in China. I was also alerted to the possibility of Gearbest and/or other retailers selling fakes, so there's that.
I got mine from Gearbest for $26 or so. When I try to scan the QR code near the jack, it directs me to a page with a 502 bad gateway error. This also happens when I scan the QR code on my 1More Triple Driver, which sound great btw.
Not sure what to make of that.
Dec 4, 2016 at 2:55 AM Post #117 of 888
oh thats probably the problem. when i go to the official xiaomi website, i can see 2 products, the Mi In-Ear Headphones Pro and the Mi In-Ear Headphones Pro HD..  but at the gearbest video, they say that their headphones are the HD. My bad and sorry for the rudeness
we can check it in the specs as the old ones sensitivity reach 101db and the new ones (the HD's) reach 98db

The gen 4 earbud housing are also more angular, as you can see from the picture the main body is a cylinder that goes into a disc with a sharp corner at the junction.  The gen 5s are also cylinder + disc but it's smooth and rounded at the transition point.  The remote buttons are different as mentioned, and the gen 4s still have the braided cable between the plug and the Y junction, while gen 5s the whole wire is TPU (plastic).
Dec 4, 2016 at 11:25 AM Post #118 of 888
oh thats probably the problem. when i go to the official xiaomi website, i can see 2 products, the Mi In-Ear Headphones Pro and the Mi In-Ear Headphones Pro HD..  but at the gearbest video, they say that their headphones are the HD. My bad and sorry for the rudeness
we can check it in the specs as the old ones sensitivity reach 101db and the new ones (the HD's) reach 98db

The naming convention is just terrible. added to the fact that on the chinese website these are just called "Pro"..
Their marketing team really needs to come up with some original names!
Dec 4, 2016 at 12:33 PM Post #119 of 888
I got mine from Gearbest for $26 or so. When I try to scan the QR code near the jack, it directs me to a page with a 502 bad gateway error. This also happens when I scan the QR code on my 1More Triple Driver, which sound great btw.
Not sure what to make of that.

Read about this on another thread, though I have not personally confirmed: code will work if you VPN so that it looks like you are located in China.
Dec 4, 2016 at 12:43 PM Post #120 of 888
Now I am pissed off and confused. The ones I've bought are from gearbest and there were some posts before, suggesting these are the HD's.

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